mti in fx


hi....i have just been on a 2 day workshop with mti and as a novice i thought it was pretty good, nice guys and its nice to have 16 cds for backup. I have been looking to get into trading fx for ages but couldn't find a training group. I have 4 questions....has anyone heard of them or seen their website (
They have a charting package with Fibonnaci's on and charge £150 for that and members room. Can i make that back easily month on month?
Has anyone else got fxcm accounts and what are they like? Any other suggestions??

would really like to hear from anyone who may be in the same boat as me.
HI TEEJAY. 150 pounds per month is very IMO expensive for a charting package for forex when you can get real time charts for free elsewhere. I suggest that you open an account with GFT forex as there platform si very good and they supply top class charts for free. Fxcm is also good but there charting software is not as good as GFT and GFT offer lower pip spreads on the majors than FXCM.

Hope this helps,
saviola said:
HI TEEJAY. 150 pounds per month is very IMO expensive for a charting package for forex when you can get real time charts for free elsewhere. I suggest that you open an account with GFT forex as there platform si very good and they supply top class charts for free. Fxcm is also good but there charting software is not as good as GFT and GFT offer lower pip spreads on the majors than FXCM.

Hope this helps,

Thanks Sav....I will have a look at them ....but surely someone else has seen their charts or seen their training????, There was 7 others on the workshop and their dealing room on the web looked room really but helpful traders in there. Anyone else heard of them?
Hi Teejay
I attended a class in Ireland last November, had some limited experience in trading but the course was really helpful and opened up new strategies for me. The really useful aspect was being able to contact them for support and the live analysis they do on an hourly basis is fantastic.

My original account was with Dealbooks but they were not that great so then opened a mini account with FXCM and then went onto regular account. They were fine for the first couple of months but service not been as good recently. So if anyone can recommend another broker I'd be really greatful.

I've signed up for the MTI Charting package having used various free ones, and can honestly say its worth the investment of £150 per month if you want to take trading seriously. The system allows you to back test and they've recently introduced a couple of trading systems which look good.

Hope this helps

Hi Guys, Im also very new to the forex markey, so new Im only thinking about it in fact. Went toan MTI seminar in Abu Dhabi where I live and work and was quite impressed with what they had to say but cant help feeling that 3000 dollars for a 3 day trainig course is very expensive. I just wanna ask, are you guys making any real money yet? Im looking for an alternative to being an engineer for another 15 years. Any info appreciated Thanks
dont waste your time giving $3000 to these guys to teach you about FIb levels and stochastics, check out the moneytec board for more detailed advice.
they cant make any money trading their own accounts and they are teaching you.

£150 a month for charts is outrageous. 😎
Hi well i didn't pay $3000 equiv and to be honest there was'nt much on stochastics so i'm not sure where that came from. It was more,for me a novice, more about the methodology and the basics combined with managing the money and helping me to realise how quick the gains and losses are likely to come. i do not expect t o make money straight away but as a first step to learning i fell it was definitely money well spent.Time will tell. And....i still like the charts and am prepared to pay for a decent product for the time being but of course this may change as i go along.