MT4 Time.


Established member
My ODL MT4 has gone funny and on the blink so i have switched to
MT4 with FXPRO. The problem is with the time. Im sat here at 8:40 and the
FXPRO time is showing as the 10:30 bar which is closing.

How can it be 2 hours out. I never saw this with ODL but i assume as they
are in the UK their servers are set to UK time.

Anyone help.

Hi Ged,

From memory FXPro are based in Cyprus hence the time difference. Not sure if it will help you but Alpari UK MT4 is only an hour ahead of GMT?

BTW, I had problems with MT4 on one of my PC's (alerts disappearing, news not working and various other glitches) and spoke to Alpari's helpdesk who said it wasn't uncommon and the way to solve it was to uninstall MT4 and reinstall. Might be worth trying this with your ODL version?

All the best

if your running on vista there are known issues with mt4 to resolve, right click on your mt4 icon and click on properties go to the compatability tab and click on run as administrator, this stops all the glitches for good.