MT4 brochure FSA regulated


Junior member
Hi all I'm looking for a UK MT4 broker (GMT) charts very important, who offers micro accounts.

Must be FSA regulated too.

Any suggestions.

Alpari & Active charts are not GMT.
ODL dont offer Micros. They have soemthing called a Micro account but it only allows mini lot sizes - it would seem their "micro" account refers a limit on the size of balance in the account and regualtion compliance with required documention to open one of these accounts.

Thier charts are GMT though, shame they dont offer an account that allows you to trade micro lot sizes.

Thks for the suggestion anyway. run MT4 on GMT and are FSA regulated.

FSA regulated under what name ????

checked the FSA register couldnt find them!

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FSA Firm Ref:
Firm name: Vinson Financials
Post code:
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are u sure????????
Yes, you're right. They have an office in London but are registered in the US - fooled me.

My apologies!
Ibfx, Mbt, Fxcm

Tks but I cant see any of these are FSA regulated! Pls let me know if I'm wrong?

Interesting thing that I have discovered is that there doesnt appear to one FSA regulated broker who offers micro accounts with MT4 platform and GMT charts.

I find that surprising.