MT4 and IG Index price discrepancies

Can you use more banks to price? Your spreads are bit whack overnight. You add on 2 pips overnight in spreads. That's bit of a joke really. You charge the client 100$/mio(roughly) and pay around 3-4$/mio. Im guessing.

If i was to open an FXCM activtrades account. Would I see those spreads, but 2 pips better or do you widen those as well as charging commissions?

I was going to ask about this , the 2 pip markup 1/per side is a bit much ...
Can you use more banks to price? Your spreads are bit whack overnight. You add on 2 pips overnight in spreads. That's bit of a joke really. You charge the client 100$/mio(roughly) and pay around 3-4$/mio. Im guessing.

If i was to open an FXCM activtrades account. Would I see those spreads, but 2 pips better or do you widen those as well as charging commissions?

I see on the website. You hsve eurusd from 0.7 spreads. Surely it goes lower than that. You set minimum spreads on the currenex hub? Probably add 0.1 either side too. Its ok. Ill find out soon enough.

Hi Brettus,

On Active Trader accounts, FXCM charges a commission instead of adding a pip markup to the spread. The commission charges are negotiable based on your trading volume. If you would like to speak with someone in our Active Trader department for more details, shoot me a private message and I'll be happy arrange a call for you with one of our specialists.

Hi Brettus,

On Active Trader accounts, FXCM charges a commission instead of adding a pip markup to the spread. The commission charges are negotiable based on your trading volume. If you would like to speak with someone in our Active Trader department for more details, shoot me a private message and I'll be happy arrange a call for you with one of our specialists.



is EURUSD a fixed spread of 0.9? How many banks do you use to price this? 1?

Active Trader - Trade with an Edge - Elite Pricing and Elite Platform
I was going to ask about this , the 2 pip markup 1/per side is a bit much ...

Hi Tar,

The pricing you are referring to is on our No Dealing Desk (NDD) forex execution. While FXCM believes that NDD execution provides the best all-around trading experience, we also offer dealing desk execution as an alternative for traders whose primary concern is lower spreads.


I was going to ask about this , the 2 pip markup 1/per side is a bit much ...

If Activtrades is priced how I think it is, and Jason knows this that it isnt good enough is actually a pain in the **** for the client and for Jason himself. How can someone in their right mind shove $25k in an account and you still dont give thrm your best pricing that you receive personally from the banks. You charge 35 $/mio which given low volume is ok, but why screw them further than that. Jason. You know how bad it is. Is it really worth offloading your trades elsewhere? You know how much of a hassle it is. Doesn't it make you angry inside what management is doing with that business?

Sorry Jason, but Im not naive like the majority on here. Its simple math. if your spread on trade station on eurusd is 2.4 and you mark up a pip each side. The core spread is 0.4. So wait you dont markup, but your spreads dont go below 0.9 on the activtrader account. How does that work? Why cant I get the core spread from the banks snd pay commission? I dont want that one bank that offer you a profitshare on the business where you lose a lot from dodgy fills that you reinstate to the client. I know this isnt your fsult but it is for using those guys in the first place.

I guess FXCM is all about marketing and not offering the best product. Theres plenty og chpice for sure and you may now give the best execution to retail clients. But is exevution worth it when in the long run, you're killing them on bad pricing, commissioms and spreads.
Sorry Jason, but Im not naive like the majority on here. .

To trade the real Forex market you would need much more than 25K , 25 is a joke , if u think these so called ECNs or Currenex is the real deal mate then think again , when you trade the real FX with the pros you would see around a few hundred of million Euros in liquidity within the first 2 pips in the EUR/USD market depth .
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Hi Tar,

The pricing you are referring to is on our No Dealing Desk (NDD) forex execution. While FXCM believes that NDD execution provides the best all-around trading experience, we also offer dealing desk execution as an alternative for traders whose primary concern is lower spreads.



Are you sure it's no dealing desk, your company has a history of misleading clients and potential clients.
To trade the real Forex market you would need much more than 25K , 25 is a joke , if u think these so called ECNs or Currenex is the real deal mate then think again , when you trade the real FX with the pros you would see around a few hundred of million Euros in liquidity within the first 2 pips in the EUR/USD market depth .

I know what you're saying, but these guys don't have better spreads they just have better liquidity. So the likes of Currenex is actually very good. It's not as good as you think. My friend owns a hedge fund and hes plugged EBS into his platform. Currenex spreads is as about as good as it gets. Even the banks try and hit it cheekily.
Is it really worth offloading your trades elsewhere?

Active Trader accounts use No Dealing Desk forex execution, because it limits our risk and at the same time appeals to high volume traders who prefer an agency execution model.

So wait you dont markup, but your spreads dont go below 0.9 on the activtrader account. How does that work?

The table on our website shows the typical spread, not the minimum spread. The spread can and often does go below 0.9 pips. To see the Active Trader spreads in real time, you can visit a site like (shown below), or if you'd like to try a free demo which would also show you the liquidity on the platform, shoot me a PM.

Active Trader accounts use No Dealing Desk forex execution, because it limits our risk and at the same time appeals to high volume traders who prefer an agency execution model.

The table on our website shows the typical spread, not the minimum spread. The spread can and often does go below 0.9 pips. To see the Active Trader spreads in real time, you can visit a site like (shown below), or if you'd like to try a free demo which would also show you the liquidity on the platform, shoot me a PM.


Thanks. How does the commission structure work? Do I have to trade 50mio notional first before you lower my comms?
Thanks. How does the commission structure work? Do I have to trade 50mio notional first before you lower my comms?

Hi Brettus,

If you'd like to discuss whether you can qualify for a lower commission, it would be best for you to speak with one of my colleagues in our Active Trader department. If you send me a PM, I'd be happy to arrange a call for you.
