
I notice that Morrison Supermarkets has broken out to new highs this week.

Trading volume today was a massive 27 Million with 20M buys and a trading statement issued.

Any views?

LONDON (AFX) - Wm Morrison Supermarkets PLC said that sales have increased
16.2 pct in the last 22 weeks compared with the same period last year.
Like-for-like sales have risen 8.8 pct in comparable stores.
In a prepared trading statement, the company said that, because there were a
full seven days trading before Christmas, "it was not surprising that trade in
week ending 24 December easily surpassed previous records."
The company also said that, even though sales last year were particularly
inflated because of the run up to the millennium clelbrations -- 15.1 pct up on
the previous year -- like-for-like sales in the five weeks ended Jan 7 were 8.0
pct above last year. Total sales including new stores in the Christmas period
were 16.7 pct higher than last year.
The deserved rusult of a solid trading company with good results and no silly messing by the mm's.Nice to see isn't it!Same for Tesco, and no doubt the others will follow, if their results are good.