hi rthakkar
If your typing in
www.sharkinvested.com and your still having problems connecting to the site, the reason is this.. (you'll probably wish you never asked
I registered the domain at the weekend at
www.seem.co.uk - I use this quite a lot and never had any problems with them and find them cheap and reliable. Once you've paid online for the domain my understanding of what happens is the name gets added to a central registry of domains somewhere in the world.
Now there are all these local servers called nameservers spotted around the world. Their job is to send your request for a website to the right server that is hosting the domain. So when you enter
www.sharkinfested.com in your browser, the first thing it does is query one of these many servers - presumably the nearest one, and this translates the name to an ip address something like (which happens to be the default ip address of everyones own pc - try typing in "ping localhost" in a dos prompt and this is the number you get) this is the real address of the site.
But like everything these nameservers take a few days to update their databases with the current details of the central domain registry. So you'll find some nameservers update quicker than other's. If the nameserver you happen to be using (this happen's autonomously, you can't decide it.. I think every ISP has their own) hasn't updated yet you won't be able to access the site, even though your mate Monkey with eg. NTL as an ISP can.
Please do correct me if I am at all wrong in any of these observations!!!
ps. Hill,.. white dwarf!
I used to read that when I was little, sadly my lead-figure modelling days are numbered.