Money & Risk Management books - recommendations?


Experienced member
Anyone recommend any particularly good books on the subjects of Risk / Money management in trading? :idea:

thanks in advance!
Van Tharp's first book Trade You Way to Financial Freedom is a decent one on the subject.

Is there something specific you're looking for?
I think I have a reasonable understanding of the two aspects - Risk Management and Money Management are similar but different aspects of trading that IMO can basically make the difference between an average trade and a truly supreme trader.

I was just plugging for idea's really... there are certain books that are considered defacto "must reads" such as The Disciplined Trader and Trading in the Zone for such topics as trading psychology, I hadnt really come across any similar solid recommendations for the Risk/MM side of the biz.
Ralph Vince's books are very good.


Cheers JJ, I'd actually been eyeballing Vince's MM books in amazon, along with some other books on the same lines by Wilmott and also Hull.

thanks all for the inputs so far... i'm off to bed!
51KR449MRAL._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-dp-500-arrow,TopRight,45,-64_OU01_AA240_SH20_.jpg Trading Risk: Enhanced Profitability through Risk Control: Books: Kenneth L. Grant
The Technical Trader forum has discussed this with a very good approach in my view.
