Money Exchange-Trade in Athens


Hello everyone,

If someone wants to trade money in Athens, feel free to reach out. You can meet me face to face and I can deliver your sending to any location in Greece.

We can make online trading on PayPal, Binance, etc.

WhatsApp: 0030 690 950 8404
Telegram: 0030 690 950 8404
Signal: 0030 690 950 8404
Viber: 0030 690 950 8404
Hello everyone,

If someone wants to trade money in Athens, feel free to reach out. You can meet me face to face and I can deliver your sending to any location in Greece.

We can make online trading on PayPal, Binance, etc.

WhatsApp: 0030 690 950 8404
Telegram: 0030 690 950 8404
Signal: 0030 690 950 8404
Viber: 0030 690 950 8404
Why someone would send money to someone called ahmet in athens,you are not even greek
When someone needs to send money where they are unable to, would you check the nationality of one who is helping you?

This racist mentality takes place since centuries now. Nothing to be surprised🙂
You are right. A guy from nigeria sends me a lot of emails, he says he wants to help me open a brokerage account,i will take your advice and send him my banking details to prove that i am not a racist 🤔
İf you ever come to Greece, please poke me so that I can buy you a coffee and meanwhile I can prove you that here is nothing to scam anyone🙂 this is nothing but sort of business..