Momentum trading


Junior member
I was fairly successful with my momentum trading strategy, however I am old fashion and I still do everything (I guess)very time consuming. I actually sit there, and calculate out the spread of the day before or the mean of the 3 last days and then add it to the opening price or subtract it....if that point is reachred I open a position.

And one of my laws is....winnings go into new things which can enhance my trading....(or some nice holidays). Well, but this time I want to automate this system and feed a software with plus/minus 2000 Stocks and it should take the spread of 1-3 last days and give me a signal in real time when the point of "opening a position" is reached.

Well.....I assume that strategy is pretty old fashion and pretty boring but could you please et me know what software I should get? I would not need much more than that... so no fancy addons or something like that...but I m sure it would not hurt!!! 🙂

Thanks alot,

looks pretty good however End of Day market data for this strategy would not really help, and real time data would cost just for LSE 359 € just for 6 month. But I guess its worth the money.
Any ther cool software packages out there?

Appreciate it very much,

You can get the TradeStation 8.2 for free, if you do 10 round turns per month. You'll only have to pay for exchange fees. Google "TradeStation". They'll give you historical data on anything going back for years, and their Easy Lanquage for programing systems is industry standard.
