Mobile Phone Scam


Active member
There is a new kind of mobile phone scam. A missed call will show on your
mobile phone. The number is 0709 020 3840. The last four numbers may vary,
but the first four numbers will remain the same. If you call this number
back, you will be charged £50.00 per minute. People have complained about
their phone bills, once they have realised the cost of the call, but
apparently this is completely legal.

So beware, do not call back numbers beginning with 0709 or numbers that you
are suspicious of.

How does that one work? thought all number begining with "07" were normal mobile call charges? and the "09" numbers were the free for all cost numbers? wasn't that what the big number change of a couple of years ago all about??
Call diverting? My mobile has it - I can divert calls from my mobile to any other number I care. The thing is, I think I still end up paying for the divert - but thats small fry if I'm charging £50!

Better check thats not Darren Winters's number!
If you divert calls, then you pay the cost of diversion - so seems kinda pointless if the mug punter pays the 25p /min ( mug punter- to mobile) and you pay the other £49.75/min!! sounds like one of Bilko's scams!!
Just looking at my missed calls on my mobile recently I've had a 0709 and 0703 both of which I don't recognise and didn't call back. I guess the scam would be to make your phone ring long enough to register the number so you call back and have a conversation along the lines of "well I didn't call you maybe it was someone else in our organisation, let me see if I can find them..." you get put on hold for a few mins they come back and say they can't find the person, etc, etc your £150 lighter and they are laughing their t!ts off at the other end £150 richer!! Doesn't take too many people calling back out of curiosity to make an easy few hundred quid a day 🙄
the real scam is the mobile phone itself

they have persuaded you all that you really need something you never asked for.

and they charge you the earth for using it !!

😆 😆

pure idea selling - wonderful example -
CT - Doh! It's been a long day, excuse excuse excuse....

PS - does anyone want to give me some money to manage? I'm sharp - real sharp! honest! lol