Mini Dow Traders

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I'm considering having a gander on the $5 mini dow future. I'd be grateful if anyone could provide any wisdom as to it's liquidity, fills/slippage and general spread. I'm working on the DAX but would prefer something with a smaller contract size as I'm in the early stages.
Also, what time session should I be looking at? 1.30pm to 7pm our time?

Any help appreciated
Hi Jonny T

Do you ever play the 2.30pm to 4ish session or are you busy on other things at that time?

That's our time, morning session in NY.

Sorry, didn't realise you also you not find it a bit heavy going some evenings after a hard day at the office!

Yes, I mostly autotrade these hours but also manually trade when I can and feel like doing do!

you should have no problem on liquidity between 2.30pm -9pm UK .
Spreads well 1 point is usually the case during above times,however you will find on days when news and important figures are out at 8.30 am (US) = 1.30pm UK you will also see volume pick up 1- 1.20 pm ish and spreads again will go to 1 point and quite often a large move can occur,but as skim would say,not for the faint hearted.
Thanks Indi

1 point spread sounds good. I think a 5min chart works best for me on the DOW with a 10 point stop as it whips around a bit. I've been getting around 3-4 good trades in the morning session.
Think I'll wait til 2.30pm before I start, as the 1.30pm slot is too risky for me 😱

wow, a 10 pt stop on the dow! You must be pretty good (lucky) with your entry to survive with that. What sort of win/lose ratio do you get?

Not that good at all really. I wait for a stochastic signal along with another confirmation signal to show a change/continuation in trend. Any more than a 10 point loss generally means the trade won't work. I'm early test stages with the DOW, but on Friday's morning stage the system produced 2 trades 2 wins total of around 40 -50 points. Win/Lose ratio maybe 60-70%

I use the same system on the DAX on 2min chart, but that is a bit tricker!

It appears that the bigger the range the better the system works.

May I ask what sort of time frame you use?

personally find the 3min chart is the best for direct access trading the mini-dow

shame the contract values are so low, which is why i prefer the dax