Mike Freeman @ Binary Options Channel??

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Hi there, could any of you please tell me if anyone actually uses Mike's signals with success? Everytime I ask a question and want to get results about his manual trades I get no response and I have also noticed that anyone that complains on his youtube channel or facebook website, gets deleted or blocked. Has anyone had this experience? I was thinking of signing up to Yesoption and using his manual signals , but I am now very hesitant as he could have a hidden agenda like most signal providers out there...

Please share your experiences. Thanks
I think that you have already answered your own questions my friend .............
I think that you have already answered your own questions my friend .............

Has anyone on this forum actually used Mike Freemans services and got scammed? Please let me know .Thanks
Michael is actually famous for being a scammer. He presented himself as a knowledgeable trader, recommending an auto binary bot that doesnt work but he got paid like $200 for every trader he referred. After he made some money he came clean and said he has no clue about the market and that he is just an affiliate. He removed that video from his youtube channel later on. Dont go near that guy.
He has a private Facebook group now with many members and some guys who provide signals every day. And now apparently he exposes scam brokers, services etc. Not too sure what to think of him. :whistling