Middle Office to Front Office Move - Junior


Hi All,
Seeking some advice, currently an Intern (Age 19) approaching the end of my 12 month contract at a leading Prime brokerage in a middle office role, prior to accepting this role I knew this wasn't ideally the type of role I wanted as I was very selective of the job role I applied for preferably in the front office, had interviews for junior and desk assistant roles but was unfortunately unsuccessful in the latter interview stages which led to accepting the middle office role.

I am even more so keen now to get into a front office position, but I am finding it very hard to find roles suitable for me as please note I am not a graduate so cannot apply for grad schemes, and do not have a significant number of years experience.

perhaps look to move to another MO role which has greater exposure to FO, then do the graft (which cld be years) to move into FO. perhaps trade support position. a lot of MO roles are so admin centric that the move to FO is not possible.

it was so hard to get straight into FO through progression a few years back so cannot answer for now but it cannot have changed much, you are up against quant PHD grads with C+ et al literate skills & poss mutli lingual.

with less trading jobs due to tighter regulations, offshoring, & automation the future doesnt look great for those looking to move internally to the FO imo. nepotism worked best from my exp.

or learn to trade in your spare time, get a year of profits under the belt & approach prop firms with statements in hand.