Microtrader seminar CPHD and all that

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Experienced member
Hi everyone

It was realy nice to talk to every one that showed up. Three good speach's,all by guys that traded the US (switched on guys).i hope it gave you all something to think about.I'm sorry that we all banged on about the US but i hoped we showed you why its in your own financial best interests to look for oppertunities there.

Dippers from this site did a great speach and showed a great trade from last week .Suprise suprise it was CPHD.Which was quite an astonishing stock to trade with huge potential for profits.All the intraday movement easily shown on your level 2 screens.

You don't need to be a manic level 2 trader to trade the Nasdaq there are fantastic profits to be had on swing trades that could last 1-2-3-4-5-6-7days.I showed three stocks early this week on this site that made 62% in 2days.The key was stalking them on a level 2 screen and getting the feel of the stock.Then being able to enter the stock at the extreme of its move with a tight stop thats managed by looking at the level 2 screen.

Whilst the stock is running in your direction you can trail your stop by seeing where the major Market makers want to support the stock.This may be at a different level that is shown on a graph.When it comes to exiting your stock you'll be able to see the change in sentiment on the level 2 screen and exit in an instant with direct access on the offer, to save the spread.

If anyone is the teeeny weeeny bit interested in how Nasdaq level 2 can be used for enhanced profits. My e-mail address is [email protected] for my one day crash course.

Thanks to all of you that came.

NAZ(Alan Rich)
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Thanks to Dippers and Nas for a really enjoyable day. Anyone who did not turn up to this missed a really informative and motivating seminar. In particular it underlined to anyone (who did not already know) just how niaive and amateurish the efforts of the Sunday paper daytraders really are, and demonstrtaed the way it should be done.

Thanks to you both, and please keep the commentary on the US going on this site - I shall be reading, and hopefully contributing, with renewed interest.

Thanks for that thread... truly excellent. By coincidence, I had traded CPHD on Friday, when the NBC anthrax scare occured. Twas a nice trade.

I am new to this board, but have been trading a while. I hope to hook up with some of you at your next gathering.