Metatrader not showing in my Program Files


I am at my wits end trying to sort this out. I have the Stealth Forex system and want to load their indicators into Metatrader. However, the Metatrader is not showing up in my program files. The customer service at Stealth forex I don't feel can help me as they just keep giving me the same advice over and over again - just phrased in a different manner. I've tried various forums hoping for some help but just get the same things like 'it's probably your firewall' - 'it's probably in your hidden files' - it's not either by the way!

Why is this such a hard problem to sort out?? I install Metatrader and then I want to install the Stealth indicators. So I go to 'my computer' then 'c drive' then 'program files' but Metatrader is not there. I've uninstalled and installed five different platforms. There must be a reason why it's not showing up in my program files and there must a folder that's it's in. I would be most grateful if anyone can throw some light on this problem. Many thanks!
what may help is if you have run mt4 a few times, when you click start it should appear in the quickstart menu, it will then just a simple case of right clicking on the mt4 entry and select "open file location" for me ok :smart:
When you say quickstart menu I presume you mean click 'Start' and it should appear in this menu after you've run mt4 many times. Just tried this but no luck I'm afraid.

This is driving me mad! I bought the Stealth forex system over a year ago but because I can't solve this problem I give up time and time again - but as I've got more time on my hands now I thought I might give it another go before I give up for good.
ok, worth a try.

all my mt4 progs are in program files folder on c drive, what windows are you running?

I'm using windows xp! It's really strange - I've just downloaded spybot and this has registered straight away in my program files. I've looked in practically every folder in my c drive but can't find any metatrader folders/files.
Maybe its under the name of the broker in your program files? FXCM-Metatrader 4 maybe? Have you tried a standard search? If you click on the start menu there should by a search field there. Just type in Metatrader and hit enter and it should find it....
I'm using windows xp! It's really strange - I've just downloaded spybot and this has registered straight away in my program files. I've looked in practically every folder in my c drive but can't find any metatrader folders/files.

Why don't you reinstall MT4, and when it asks you to choose the installation location on your computer, write down the Destination Folder (i.e C:\Program Files\"Broker MT4" or however it appears in your setup. That's my suggestion.