Metatrader 4 demo accounts



i know theres literally maybe 100+ spot forex brokers that enable use of metatrader4.

However, i don't know how many of these brokers offer free demo accounts.

I currently have MT4 demo accounts from metaquotes, alpari & moneyrain. I now want to install MT4 demo accounts from another couple of brokers. Please can you recommend a few more free MT4 demo accounts for me to choose from?

Many thanks.
I use FXDD. FIBO Group and KVBKunlun also. I think most of them do demo's its just half are in russian!!!
Please send an email to [email protected] -
explaining the following, If you think MT4 would be a much better, stronger, more popular, versatile charting platform if metaquotes improved it to include more standard TimeFrames such as M2, M3, M4, M6, M10, M12, M20, H2, H6,H8,H12 etc.

There is currently a big gap between the M1, M5, M15, M30, H1, H4 & H24 timeframes that come as standard, which is a shame.

Most important, is the fact that you can't run EA's on custom TF's with the period convertor indicator at present.

IMO this is a major drawback with MT4, so they may eventually make these improvements if enough people request the same thing.

Yes you can use the period convertor indicator to create custom timeframes, but you can't run EA's on custom timeframes.

You could run an EA on a standard timeframe and program it to use your custom timeframe for it's data. It could also create and maintain the custom dataset for you. If you are not using many indicators in your EA, then you could do without the custom dataset and just program the EA to aggregate bars.

You are not going to get this feature developed in MT4, so programming around it is your best option.

btw. I use FIBOgroup demo. I have found them to be extremely reliable for many years.
Another interesting MT4 broker is Water House Capital . Their (english) version of MT4 allows for stock, indices, commodities cfds as well. including possibility to download those RT data in ascii for further use.


You could run an EA on a standard timeframe and program it to use your custom timeframe for it's data. It could also create and maintain the custom dataset for you. If you are not using many indicators in your EA, then you could do without the custom dataset and just program the EA to aggregate bars.

You are not going to get this feature developed in MT4, so programming around it is your best option.

btw. I use FIBOgroup demo. I have found them to be extremely reliable for many years.

Thanks timm.

is this possible?

have you ad his done for yourself?

How easy is this to do for a programmer?

My EA only calls one indicator.

Thanks timm.

is this possible?

have you ad his done for yourself?

How easy is this to do for a programmer?

My EA only calls one indicator.


It sounds like the simplest approach would be for the EA to aggregate bars and calculate the indicator rather than call the built-in function.

This approach is also useful if you want to test things like daily bars with different start times.

Should be dead easy to program. I would offer to do it for you, but you'd probably moan about how long it took. 😆 Only kidding. You know how to reach me.
You could run an EA on a standard timeframe and program it to use your custom timeframe for it's data. It could also create and maintain the custom dataset for you. If you are not using many indicators in your EA, then you could do without the custom dataset and just program the EA to aggregate bars.

You are not going to get this feature developed in MT4, so programming around it is your best option.

btw. I use FIBOgroup demo. I have found them to be extremely reliable for many years.

Thanks timm.

I have thought about this B4, and have thought about it again today.

even if i do modify my code in EA's, MT4 only supports backtesting & optimisations on M1, M5,M15,M30H1,H4,& daily timeframes. You select the timeframe from a drop down menu in MT4.
Before i trade an EA live on any timeframe, it needs to be backtested & optimised. Therefore for me to be able to backtest/optoimise/use an EA on any timeframe, the they need to be built into MT4 as far as i can see.
From what you suggest, it may be possible to run an EA on a custom timeframe, but i would never consider this without backtesting/optimising the strategy on that custom timeframe first.

Thanks timm.

I have thought about this B4, and have thought about it again today.

even if i do modify my code in EA's, MT4 only supports backtesting & optimisations on M1, M5,M15,M30H1,H4,& daily timeframes. You select the timeframe from a drop down menu in MT4.
Before i trade an EA live on any timeframe, it needs to be backtested & optimised. Therefore for me to be able to backtest/optoimise/use an EA on any timeframe, the they need to be built into MT4 as far as i can see.
From what you suggest, it may be possible to run an EA on a custom timeframe, but i would never consider this without backtesting/optimising the strategy on that custom timeframe first.


It should backtest just fine. So if for instance you wanted to test on H8, you would run the EA on H4 and tell it to aggregate every two bars, so that the results would be identical to running it on a real H8 chart.

Another approach I use for backtesting is to code the strategy as a custom indicator rather than an EA. With an indicator you can plot the equity curve directly on the chart which is much more educational IMO. It would also mean you could run it on any custom time frame chart.

In MT4, to display ALL available instruments -
go to the 3rd toolbar button "market watch", right click anywhere, select "show all".