Metastocxk explorations/ experts


Junior member
Anyone interested in helping a chap out with writing explorations in Metastock... i am just not clued up when it comes to coding.

Would anyone care to talk on MSN/Yahoo Messenger about explorations/experts with a view to sharing some ideas.

Just trying to interact with people with on an intra day basis, was used to a bustling dealing room now sat at home in solitary confinement...;-)
Version 7.0 ..... although have been trying to lay my hands on the version 7.2 patch for version 7.0 which allows correct functioning on Windows 2000.
Hello Darth, thanks for replying...

I have attempted to mail you...but the message says that I must email the adminstrator in order to recieve your email address.

Thanks for the reply meantime.
If your communicating with Darth, am sure he will guide you in the right direction. I have just upgraded to Version 7.2 from 6.52 and find many of the tools most useful in exploring for opportunities.

Best wishes
