Metastock - UK data

  • Thread starter Thread starter JonnyT
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Senior member

I'm the proud owner of Metastock 8 for $1 and have got it purring along nicely for free US data downloads.

My downloader use's Yahoo and MSN and I know they have UK data.

Anyone know how I can import UK symbols into this beast?


JonnyT said:

I'm the proud owner of Metastock 8 for $1 and have got it purring along nicely for free US data downloads.

My downloader use's Yahoo and MSN and I know they have UK data.

Anyone know how I can import UK symbols into this beast?




Which downloader are you using to obtain Yahoo data?
hi JonnyT

Back to my post on Databull

The trial version will only download 1 year of historical EOD data but it will create the MS data files. The start date for these files will be only 1 year ago so you will have to fiddle around if you want to download more once you have the files setup.

Your help would be appreciated on 2 matters.

First, how did you get MS8 to start up without requiring a log in?

Second, what downloader are you using to acquire data?

Thanks in advance
Hi fltbear,

I emailed Equis for a login. They duly obligued and stated I should have previously been forwarded the details.

I have tried both HQuotes and DataBull. My preference at present is Databull as it included lists of symbols from around the world. i.e. the UK. Hquotes doesn't

hi JonnyT

I'm just going through the same procedure; not with MS8 I might say, but with setting up a download method.

What I found the easiest was to use Downloader to setup the MS files assuming they are US stocks. I used Databull to create the data for UK stocks because of the ".L" added to all UK stocks. Equis do not have a UK symbol list.

However, I have found that the elfquotes plugin (from HQuotes)via MS Downloader a better proposition than Databull for the updates. Faster and fewer missed updates.

But whatever - horses for courses as they say!! Whichever suits you best.

I'm definitely interested in this MS8 offer you have found and the only possible problem i can see is that if you do not pay the $59 per month will you lose the use of MS8. For only $1 it's worth the risk.

I presume you know that Downloade V8 is a free download from Equis? Or perhaps it comes with MS8, it always did with earlier versions.
Download 8 comes with Metastock 8

So far, once I have logged online once I have been able to use Metastock Offline 🙂

This deal is for EOD version by the way and the manual and downloader guide that explains a lot (very critical to understand the package) is made avilable to you only after you have paid first $59 for data...So make sure tat if you want the full full package contents you pay first installment of $59...and then you will have the full package...manual is critical to learn the package...
...and also upgrade to ver 8.01 asap....there was bug in the enhanced system tester giving some wrong results...
I'm confused.
Are you trying to find end-of-day data or intraday data ?

If it helps :-
I use Metastock for eod UK charts.
To get started I had to purchase a CD containing 5 years chart history. Can't remember the supplier but I could find out if you need to know.
For each day's data I use, for £5.88 per month.
They provide a variety of data formats, including Metastock. Data quality is good compared to some others. I understand from friends that Yahoo data is raw and contains the kind of accidental spikes which other suppliers remove.

Hope this helps - or have I misunderstood ?
Hi there I just posted this in another thread but am hoping that someone here may be able to help.

I am a newbie to Metastock (just inherited a Metastock 8.0 Professional from my folks) and would like to get trading currencies intraday. I have managed to get all the data from but I am having problems converting them in Downloader! it is just not doing it at all - just states that 0 files have been converted. I have tried opening the data in Excel and cutting and pasting the information in, but I can't paste more than one days data at a time as it just says 'invalid date' - it seems to do intradays fine for each day but as soon as I put in intraday signals for 2 or more days I get that signal... 'invalid date'. Are there any metastock pros out there who can help? I need to be able to look at minutes or hours in Metastock going back several days. Your help is greatly appreciated.
easternlethal said:
Hi there I just posted this in another thread but am hoping that someone here may be able to help.

I am a newbie to Metastock (just inherited a Metastock 8.0 Professional from my folks) and would like to get trading currencies intraday. I have managed to get all the data from but I am having problems converting them in Downloader! it is just not doing it at all - just states that 0 files have been converted. I have tried opening the data in Excel and cutting and pasting the information in, but I can't paste more than one days data at a time as it just says 'invalid date' - it seems to do intradays fine for each day but as soon as I put in intraday signals for 2 or more days I get that signal... 'invalid date'. Are there any metastock pros out there who can help? I need to be able to look at minutes or hours in Metastock going back several days. Your help is greatly appreciated.

If you have the Metastock original purchase details, you can e-mail support at Equis and they will help you.
UK Data for Metastock

I have had MS9 a week, didnt buy it for a dollar. lol
Have messed around for a week trying to set up UK data with InvestorEase EOD
Have tried Metaload 4
Have tried export facilty of IE

Have just downloaded Databull
It has added UK symbols. Metastock does not supply the symbols and it will not accept UK data
till it has them

This was begining to whiz me off bigstyle
A BIG thanks for the mention of Databull

Next task getting the data to load

regards Colin

ps if any of the above is wrong plz correct me.
export from sharescope....see another thread under Metastock where it is explained more....

There are many eod feeds that are avilable...Prestel is one which has very comprehensive data....Investor Ease is another one...But I have decided on Sharescope for fundamental info in spreadsheet format....