Metastock source + data supplier?


Junior member
I'm considering getting Metastock 9 EOD - am wanting to have a package for monitoring my trades, and doing some backtesting etc. I'm currently using Sharescope and mainly do swing trading on UK stocks with occasional index and fx bets.

Is there a consensus on a good UK supplier of the software? I saw on they have v9 EOD going for something like £280.

What would be the best data provider for UK stock prices? What about indices and fx values?

And finally, how useful is the basic EOD package? Does anyone use it straight from the box or is it really necessary to get some of the plug-ins? (I don't use many indicators in my trading, usually just a few moving averages)?

So many questions!
OpalSky said:
I'm considering getting Metastock 9 EOD - am wanting to have a package for monitoring my trades, and doing some backtesting etc.

If you want to backtest MS, then TradeSim is a far better product.
I do not backtest but dont let that throw you.

It was through backtesting that I came to realise the type of Trader that I wanted to become.
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