MetaStock RT to Tradestation


I'm on a trial period of MetaStock v9 RT and I'm having lots of performance problems and experiencing a number of bugs using the security() function. This is a function which allows an indicator to reference another security. Its a key feature I use when developing my Broad Market indicators for dragging unto charts of other securities.

Does Tradestation's Easylanguage have an equivalent?

Also, any comments on performance when charts are being updated in real-time using Tradestation. Metastock can't hack it.


I have TS2000i. To accomplish what you require in this TS version, you need to load the alternative security onto the chart you wish to study. You then reference the data set from this security in EL by data2......x (x being up to 50 and data1 is the original study).

e.g. Close of data2; would return the value of the close of the second security or data set.

Using additional data sets on a single chart in real time dos'nt seem to effect performance.


When you say that the need to load the alternative security, does this mean that when you drag an indicator unto a chart (data set 1) that references another data set (eg 2), that the chart for data set 2 needs to be open before the indicator is dragged unto the chart?

In metastock, I can drag say 3 indicators unto a chart which reference several other securities and the user does not require to know what the other securities are. Is this the case with TS? Thanks.


No; TS does not access other securities in the same way as Metastock, i.e. remotely. To my knowledge, you still need to load the additional security onto the same chart, although you do not need to display it. Also, you do not drag indicators or other studies onto the chart you use insert. Any indicators (or studies) inserted onto the chart can be used for the initial security (data1) or other added securities (data2....n).
