MetaStock pro - startup offline


I have MS 8 pro ( Qcharts)
I want to run it as an EOD programme using data from another source as Q charts is expensive and I dont really need it.
The problem is that every time I open MS it goes hunting for Qcharts data and then shuts down when it cant find it.

Can someone please tell me how to open MS in EOD mode ( Is it possible?)
Many thanks
Fearless, in Start/Programs/Equis International folder you should see 'MetaStock Professional Offline Mode' which opens MS without going online — without starting Qcharts, however . . .

Regardless whether you're downloading realtime or eod data you still start the MS Professional - realtime because you link to a download server. All I can think is to find a standalone downloader, download data to a folder then import the data via MS The DownLoader from that folder or select MetaStock file format and route directly into a designated MS folder.