Metastock plug-ins

Thanks for taking the time out to answer my questions, I will proberbly still go and see the demo but leave my options open.
As promised
Paritech are not doing courses in london anymore but they will give you an individual demo at their office in sudbury. I went there last tuesday and did a good deal with them. I will not be installing it until my new computer arrives (hopefully next week) so I cant comment on how i'm getting on with the beast.

Thank you for your help the other day. I appreciated your kindness


Glad to be of help....I Know very little but will try to help if I can...


If when you've installed it you need any help just shout. I've been using it for a while now and might be some use.
Hi mark_m

Thanks for the site seems to be an abundance of formulae on there

Ithomas thanks for your kindness.
Regards Dave
metastock 8

Hope you dont mind me joining this conversation. I have just purchased Metastock of this site, which I recieved Saturday. Im not using a datafeed as I have Sharescope which I will Export from. Installing was a doddle and the amount of info will keep me busy for a while. I would like to ask Zambuck if Metaload is better than the Downloader for exporting from Sharescope, and if so how you get Metaload.
Regards Robert
Hi Rob

Metaload is avilable from following will get 30 days free use out of it...and after that approx 65 odd quids will get you that package...

Metaload is better in the sense that it will update different directories under a single folder...downloader needs few more clicks...You may need to use both the downloader and metaload...

For example when the securities change, renamed, new and old are deleted then you may need to use downloader to export whole data to a signle directory say FTSE 100, and then FTSE 200 and then FTSE 350 and so export the full data downloader is very powerful...

After that for daily data update only think you need to do is to export ALL data from shrescope and the metaload will update all directories...say if your directory structure was C:\ Sharescope data\FTSE 100, FTSE 200, FTSE 350, Sectors etc etc...metaload will update data in all these directories...

In a way it is more simple than it appers...

hope that helps