Metastock macd


Does anybody know why the standard metastock macd with only 1 ma, is not the same as most website macd's with 2 ma's with histogram plotted behind, there is a huge diference bewteen the 2 histograms? It seems like the metastock macd lags behind.
any suggestions would be great.
you can use this formula for custom macd settings in metastock.

shortperiods:=Input("Enter the shorter EMA periods: ",3,2000,12);
longperiods:=Input("Enter the longer EMA periods: ",3,5000,26);
signal:=Input("Enter the number of signal line periods: ",3,50,9);
Mov(Mov(C,shortperiods,E) - Mov(C,longperiods,E),signal,S);

(( Mov( C,shortperiods,E ) - Mov( C,longperiods,E ) ) - Mov( ( Mov( C,shortperiods,E ) - Mov( C,longperiods,E ) ),signal,E ));
Thanks for that, i just dont understand why the macd from websites (, ect.) are different from this (huge difference) they both have the same settings of 12,26,9, but they are drasticly different. It seems like this formula is faster it gets alot of whipsaws compared to website macd's. I have asked multiple sources nobody has a explination, it would be greatly appreciated if somebody could explain.
Metastock systems

I have a qestion about metastock, is there a site that rates free trading system produced with metastock like the welath lab site have ?
Im not sure about that.... but this is probaly not the the best site to ask, it doesnt seem like there is anybody outhere that can answer my question, and i asked months ago. im still looking for answer to my question, for anybody that has the answer it would be greatly appreciated.
I have a qestion about metastock, is there a site that rates free trading system produced with metastock like the welath lab site have ?

you will do much better at the "" or "" as this site is not skewed in that direction.

Does anybody know why the standard metastock macd with only 1 ma, is not the same as most website macd's with 2 ma's with histogram plotted behind, there is a huge diference bewteen the 2 histograms? It seems like the metastock macd lags behind.
any suggestions would be great.

without seeing everything working together, it is probably not possible to answer that question, even via service rep !

but metatrader DOES HAVE the standard multi ma w/histogram MACD available in the navigator under "indicators" --- try that one !

It is interesting to me that when calculating an exponential moving average, which of course is integral to the macd() function, metastock (when compared to other sites, ie, bigcharts) comes up with an unusual starting value for the first data point of the exponential moving average ... i cannot figure where they get the number from, but it is never what most websites recommend when calculating the ema, which is to use the simple moving average for the first (calculatable) value... then on future values of course, use the prior days ema. *shrug* i'm lost, but i can't get my personal macd() to agree with metastocks macd() because of this... i can mimick and other sites, however.............. ?-: