Metastock defective backtester - Legal options


A study has revealed the impact of a defective Metastock backtester on trading system development and how such defects could have impacted traders who relied on it to develop trading systems, especially those with a high trade frequency. Read this paper for details. Although the author is very careful not to disclose the company and product name, the complete study, which he does not reveal, has these details. I think there are plenty of grounds for recovering at least the cost of the software if the company was aware of the defects but did not fix them. There may be grounds for other claims in addition. Whoever has used Metastock version 7.0 in the past to develop trading systems and is interested in forming a group to investigate legal options please send me a pm.
Typically with software you need to report defects in the software to the software manufacturer.

In the Equis Software License Agreement, there's a 90 day warranty period that the program will work substantially in accordance with the documentation. However, they do not warrant that the program will be error-free.

Did you report any errors/issues with the program to Equis? If so, how longer after purchase of the product and what response did you get?