Memories of t2w aka "a gas from the past"

Mr. Charts

Legendary member
Inspired by a thought of counter_violent, how about we put quotes or links from our favourite past posts in this thread?
Words of wisdom, funny things, anything like that.
Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

As seen on " Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures?? " thread:

😆 @DowJones


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Good idea for a thread Richard


Haha Lightning, there really have been some incredible characters on here over the years.


One fella springs to mind, arabianights, incredibly gifted trader, and also wired a bit, err, differently from your average Joe.

Having a quick think about that, I come to a conclusion.

Might go hand in hand that, great success and a somewhat pronounced deviation from the norm haha.

"Thanks trade2win!!!!!
Got my free camera! It's great! I'm gonna film obscene things with it 🙂

A steady supply of crack cocaine, hookers and, ok, interesting, shoes is all he ever needed to fuel his - truly ! - amazing trading success.

Good idea for a thread Richard


Haha Lightning, there really have been some incredible characters on here over the years.


One fella springs to mind, arabianights, incredibly gifted trader, and also wired a bit, err, differently from your average Joe.

Having a quick think about that, I come to a conclusion.

Might go hand in hand that, great success and a somewhat pronounced deviation from the norm haha.

"Thanks trade2win!!!!!
Got my free camera! It's great! I'm gonna film obscene things with it 🙂

A steady supply of crack cocaine, hookers and, ok, interesting, shoes is all he ever needed to fuel his - truly ! - amazing trading success.


Everyone is successful and a great trader in your book mate ! 😆
No no no absolutely not, on here there are maybe 5 or at most ten people I'd say who know what's what and can make a living trading.


does anyone know what happened to johnnyT ?..................I loved that guy

just looked at my friends list for inspiration - Christ most of them have been banned ..............................hahahahahahaa😆
Haha NVP.


Anyone remember Spanish89 ???

Could always be relied on to provide some mindboggling, epic entertainment that fella.

Inventor of Spanish Style Stops ($$$), he was, patented and everything, nowadays widespread and fully accepted trading lingo.

As in, hey, I'm long 2000 Bund, with $$$ for downside protection.

Thing I haven't quite figured out.

In some web reincarnations I've been told he's going through life as a girl. Seem to remember however that our ShadowNinja met up with him, and was quite adamant that back then he was a guy.


What would life be without its mysteries.

Concerning the slight uncertainty as to Spanish's gender this springs to mind and would be right up Arabians alley to boot:


All excellent stuff !!!

Hard men at work and play.
