Max Pastukhov's Trading Journal

Hey max i finally got round to checking out the simulator and i must say i am very impressed. you obviously have a high level of ability at writing programs there. im blown away! 👍

you are definitely no average joe when you are sitting at a computer!

Thank you for the great feedback!

Software development is my hobby since 10, when there weren't any personal computers around but just programmable calculators. The only computer I played with in my childhood was the one at the local nuclear reactor simulation room 🙂

It's hard for me to split time between coding and trading, so I'm focused on polishing the simulator until I become happy with it. I have plenty of interesting ideas for the future, but I want to finish basics first.

Please tell me if you need any extra features.
Hey max i finally got round to checking out the simulator and i must say i am very impressed. you obviously have a high level of ability at writing programs there. im blown away! 👍

you are definitely no average joe when you are sitting at a computer!

I've just released the final beta version of the Simulator (added more indicators, drawing tools, automatic data downloads, etc).

Please try it here:

Here is an important question to you: can you please allow me to publish your feedback on the website?
I've just released the final beta version of the Simulator (added more indicators, drawing tools, automatic data downloads, etc).

Please try it here:

Here is an important question to you: can you please allow me to publish your feedback on the website?

A simulator is not something i'm looking to use really i just checked it out and was commenting on your obvious high level of ability at programming. So mine is not really an appropriate review for the program itself.
A simulator is not something i'm looking to use really i just checked it out and was commenting on your obvious high level of ability at programming. So mine is not really an appropriate review for the program itself.

Thank you, anyway 🙂
Yet another question: can I do something with this code to make it interesting for you? Maybe I can add some data which are interesting for you to play with?
Thank you, anyway 🙂
Yet another question: can I do something with this code to make it interesting for you? Maybe I can add some data which are interesting for you to play with?

As its not something im looking to use im not the best person to ask but perhaps being able to write and backtest systems with it would take it to the next level. Again, thats also not something im looking for at the moment.
The Release

Finally, Forex Simulator is officially released.

It's not about myself as a trader, but it's a huge step for me to become one. I will finally get more time to trade. I was busy all these weeks with coding, bug fixes, websites, content, etc.

I expected to release it on the 1st of July, but first beta users gave me so much feedback that it took me almost a month to polish the product 🙂

On the other side, this time I'm absolutely sure that it's perfect.
Done with trading

It's sad to announce, but I'm going out of trading.

You may not support me, but I decided to sell my first product and move to some other niche, not related to trading. Something like b2b, where I was good in the past, until my last business died of natural causes.

Here is the main reason: when I came into the niche, I expected to become a consistently profitable trader. It was a sound idea: to trade profitably and to organize/automate my work which will give me great products my customers will be happy to buy and use. A programmer's heaven.

But, the closer I got to the final release, the more it became clear to me that it was the wrong way. I've got addicted to software development in my early 13th (25+ years ago!), I miss every hour of my life doing other types of work, including trading, marketing and sales.

If I decided to go this way, I will be doomed to waste my time doing work I don't like. It's like trading your love, I don't want to do it for any amount of money. It may sound naive, but when you are getting close to 50th, time is running really fast.

I don't regret my previous business decisions and I hope that I will not regret this one, as well.

If you are interested in acquiring the product (which is great by all means), please take a look at
I've got yet another idea which may be even better: instead of selling the business I will better look for a marketing partner who can handle marketing and sales. This way I will be able to focus on product development. I feel that it's the right way to go.
So, I got a lot of support and advice from other traders and product vendors since my last attempt to quit trading. I feel that this time I found an ideal solution.

Instead of trying to pretend that I'm a trader, I should just give up and focus on what I'm good at. I will no longer trade, but spend all my time developing products for other traders.

It may sound like a failure, but this way I will be able to stay open to other people ideas, not trying to enforce my methods and beliefs. Instead of pushing something, I will listen and help. I will also spend my time much more effectively and fun.

Sorry to say that, but it's the last post in this trading journal. As I'm no longer a trader, there is no point in keeping it. On the other side, I will still participate in other discussions where I can help others with my software development/research/business expertise.
Here is the very last post, to give a piece of advice to newbies. It may be odd to hear this advice from a person who finally gave up, but it makes complete sense and I can prove it with numbers.

When you are starting this journey, you are absolutely focused on profits. It's the worst attitute. While I dreamt about making big money at the very beginning, I focused on risks. While I was sure that my trading ideas are great, I started really small. Having about $10,000 of risk capital, I never risked more than 0.1% in any single position. Even when I broke my own rule twice, my biggest lost was about 1.3%.

During my short journey, I failed as a trader but I lost less than 5% of my risk capital, or about $500 total. I heard numerous stories about people losing tens and hundreds of thousands of dollars in their first 1-2 years of trading career. It's what you should be careful about.

Start small, don't rush. I gave up on trading, but in a positive sense. I don't feel lost, I don't regret my trading experiments. I will not blame myself for the rest of my life 🙂

Even if you stick and become a consistently profitable trader at the end, it's much easier and fun to grow money you saved during your learning years than to start from scratch, after blowing enough money to make you a good living after you finally find your edge.