Market for the CRB Index


Junior member
Does anyone know a reputable spreadbetting firm that offfers a market on the CRB index. I'm currently a client with finspreads. Their platform is good for the major indices like ftse 100, djia, and sp500. Although their commodity platform is really poor, prices seem to always be indicative or suspended when the price is at pivot. Exactly when one would want to enter. Also they don't offer a market for the CRB index which I would really like to trade. If you know of a firm that provides this market, or would like to voice you discontent about the finspreads commodity platform, please respond it would be much apppreciated.
Hi Adamned -

IG INDEX offer spreads on the CRB Index : basic spread is 40 points, Controlled risk spread is 60 points.

They also offer the WIDEST range of commodities to trade, as far as I know.