Making more money from mid term trades


I am finding that I am actually making more money from my mid term trades (days to weeks) than I am from my intraday trades and with a lot less time involvement! Has anyone else found the same?
it depends on the market dynamics at the time of writing ....yesterday was a storming forex day intra day trading and would have got you the rest of the week off (if traded correctly)

horses for courses .....and why not do both ?

it depends on the market dynamics at the time of writing ....yesterday was a storming forex day intra day trading and would have got you the rest of the week off (if traded correctly)

horses for courses .....and why not do both ?


Oh I do do both, but just finding the time involvement compared to reward a bit low at the moment.
Oh I do do both, but just finding the time involvement compared to reward a bit low at the moment.

I only trade 1 index intraday whenever I can, that generates regular income, but no doubt as you say my longer term trades are the bread and butter for me