luck or trading pro?


i have been studying/practicing Forex trading for 3 months now and my demo account has done pretty well so far...

starting balance 10k GBP

2 days trading 22k profit....

opened the account last Friday....

been trading gold, silver and oil and have made significant profits..

see attached.. comment :clap: 22k profit.JPG
You are WAY overleveraging. I see no losing trades which means you hold until profitable even though some of the trades have gone offside by 10-15 pips or more prior to you taking a 2-5 pip profit. If you are using REAL money you'd find out that you can't trade that way seeing your REAL equity falling so fast. So far you've been luck not to have a trade quickly spike too far against you that you can't recover. Believe me it will happen.

DEMO trading is very easy to make money. There's no emotion involved at all.

That's my 2 cents.

I'm almost inclined to agree this is a wind up but i'll give the OP the benefit of the doubt for the moment.

its not a wind up i am new...... i dont fully understand everything... but thanks for the feedback regarding the risk...

how to you find the read only investor code? (since some people think this is a joke... 😵)
Open a real account and trade the way you would on a demo account and you will see what we're all talking about.
I guess soo il probably get served badly but since iv only just started to learn it would be pretty naive 🙂
Trebbling your money in 2 days is ridiculous over-leverage. It'll only take one "unlucky" trade to wipe out your account. From a brief look at the account I see all the newbie mistakes and hubris.

Trading successfully is as much about surviving to trade another day as it is about making profits.

Trading like that will mean you never last long.

My advice: carry on like that on demo. Eventually you will learn first hand what I mean, but it should be a valuable lesson you can learn from.
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