Looking to trade futures and forex from one account


Hi everyone,

I would appreciate recommendations for a broker that provides futures and forex trading from a single account. I currently have an account with Interactive Brokers that I've used mostly to trade options, but the forex component is a bit clunky, and ideally i'd like to find something with more leverage. Are there regulatory difficulties that prevent brokers from easily offering forex and futures trading from the same funds?

My trading style will tend to be longer term, if that makes a difference. I don't need extensive charting packages, automated trading systems, or anything like that.

Apologies if stating the obvious, but why not use IB to trade forex futures if you're concentrating on the major dollar pairs? That's the route I've gone down for position trading forex alongside futures: keeps everything on the same platform (I use IB too). Margin requirement on cable is about $1500 for a £62,500 contract IIRC, so about 80x leverage. No problems with liquidity and trading a 'proper' market.