Looking to ask 15 questions to pro trader


Hello, I am simply looking to get answers to those questions to know more about professional traders. This is an interview related to my studies.

You can send in your answers to [email protected] or post them here! Let me know your name and location also.



1- Is most professional traders’ income really unstable or do most of them manage to keep things steady?

2- What schedule do you have for your trading?

3- Do you allow yourself some vacation?

4- Did you receive personal training from other traders or did you mainly educate yourself on your own?

5- What do you consider the best type of education for a trader?

6- Do you ever do any traveling related to trading?

7- For how long have you been trading?

8- How were your first steps in the trading world?

9- What do you dislike about your job?

10- What trading strategy do you prefer over others?

11- How much time does it take to become a profitable trader?

12- What is your favorite market? (Forex, stocks, futures etc.)

13- Did you ever consider quitting trading for a standard job?

14- Do you create your own strategies or use the ones that already exist?

15- How do your family and friends react toward your job?
Hello, I am simply looking to get answers to those questions to know more about professional traders. This is an interview related to my studies.

You can send in your answers to [email protected] or post them here! Let me know your name and location also.



1- Is most professional traders’ income really unstable or do most of them manage to keep things steady?

Steady as an alcoholics hand at 10:50am

2- What schedule do you have for your trading?

24/5 with a laptop and wireless modem

3- Do you allow yourself some vacation?

The weekend

4- Did you receive personal training from other traders or did you mainly educate yourself on your own?

all by myself... Did try learning with someone else but the competition was too much and it doesn't matter who comes first when you're on your own

5- What do you consider the best type of education for a trader?

Screen time

6- Do you ever do any traveling related to trading?

The kitchen... The lounge... Back to the kitchen... Bed (repeat as caffeine requires)

7- For how long have you been trading?

3 days

8- How were your first steps in the trading world?

one at a time

9- What do you dislike about your job?

I am excruciatingly bored. Is it not obvious.

10- What trading strategy do you prefer over others?

price is price, I have no 'strategy'

11- How much time does it take to become a profitable trader?

4 days

12- What is your favorite market? (Forex, stocks, futures etc.)


13- Did you ever consider quitting trading for a standard job?

Every day

14- Do you create your own strategies or use the ones that already exist?

I don't have a strategy

15- How do your family and friends react toward your job?

Think its as boring as theirs. A job is a means to money and nothing besides.

My name is 'sweepylongbananafiend' and I live online!

HTH :cheesy:
Do you honestly expect serious answers from serious traders?

Agree with most of the last post except no 11. It is 2 mins.

You left out number 16. Which should have read. How long did it take you to become a losing trader?

Answer would be 2 mins and 30 secs.

Forexmam and your a BLOKE? Do you wear dresses?
since u changed your name i've only just noticed that your my sweepylongbananaFIEND and not my sweepylongbananaFRIEND.

Anyway nice post many truths hidden in that sarcasm, but i dont think you should answering, he said he wanted to hear from PROFESIONALS you told me you were a retired $£$%$£%$^£
Hello, I am simply looking to get answers to those questions to know more about professional traders. This is an interview related to my studies.

You can send in your answers to [email protected] or post them here! Let me know your name and location also.



1- Is most professional traders’ income really unstable or do most of them manage to keep things steady? Don't know about most but mine has the curve of a roller coaster ride from hell.

2- What schedule do you have for your trading? I try and squeeze it in between my full time day job.
Place trades if setup is right on way to work.
On way back from work
Or mostly in the evenings once there is peace and quiet in the house which is not very often.

3- Do you allow yourself some vacation?
No need as I'm not full timer, but I do suffer withdrawal symptoms if I can't access prices after 48 hours...

4- Did you receive personal training from other traders or did you mainly educate yourself on your own? Books, the internet and free siminars for starters. The degree in Economics really messed me up though as I thought I knew it all when I only knew Jack and he wasn't much good either. I fell out with him and don't talk to him anymore. I have found other Jacks on this excellent T2W site. :cheesy:

5- What do you consider the best type of education for a trader? Live account with someone elses money for couple of years.

6- Do you ever do any traveling related to trading? This is a tough one. I travel to my main work and back when I place trades sometimes. Does that count. No need with online training. Even from your mobile phone it's possilbe.

7- For how long have you been trading? 4 years, 208 days, 22 hours and 55 seconds.

8- How were your first steps in the trading world? Pretty bad financially. Losing money can be such a thrill... :-0

9- What do you dislike about your job? If you mean trading, admitting you are often wrong. Problem is realising it and acting on it as fast as you can.

10- What trading strategy do you prefer over others? Moving averages with price crossovers.

11- How much time does it take to become a profitable trader? I let you know when I have recouped my early year losses.

12- What is your favorite market? (Forex, stocks, futures etc.) DOW, OIL, GOLD, FTSE and DAX. Any really depending on Technical Setups. DOW is my favourite.

13- Did you ever consider quitting trading for a standard job? No but I would like to quit my day job to trade full time.

14- Do you create your own strategies or use the ones that already exist? Text book Price and MA crossovers is my favourite but I have jacked many ideas from many other Jacks.

15- How do your family and friends react toward your job?

They refer to it as gambling and think I'm a financial guru (at least I like to think so 😱).

PS. My answers are all honest.
PS2. I am not a professional but a private trader.

Hope it helps. 🙂
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since u changed your name i've only just noticed that your my sweepylongbananaFIEND and not my sweepylongbananaFRIEND.

Anyway nice post many truths hidden in that sarcasm, but i dont think you should answering, he said he wanted to hear from PROFESIONALS you told me you were a retired $£$%$£%$^£

People don't believe what they read on bulletin boards do they? 😱

Nope. Not even gonna go there. Toooooooo easy!

oooh go on!
The missus keeps telling me that but I can never hear me

I'll bang on the wall next time. Or rather I'll ask her to 'cause she is generally on top of me by then... Isn't she good at tying knots! Has she ever said anything about strange happenings in the night?.. My wallet keeps on going missing?

I'll bang on the wall next time. Or rather I'll ask her to 'cause she is generally on top of me by then... Isn't she good at tying knots! Has she ever said anything about strange happenings in the night?.. My wallet keeps on going missing?

Yeah she only does it to help fund my spread betting account... I keep blowing it each week and need your £20 dole money to top it back up!
I know this chick called Maureen... She's cheap ! :cheesy:

Sorry, I know I know, I'll get me coat!
Hello, I am simply looking to get answers to those questions to know more about professional traders. This is an interview related to my studies.

You can send in your answers to [email protected] or post them here! Let me know your name and location also.



1- Is most professional traders’ income really unstable or do most of them manage to keep things steady?

2- What schedule do you have for your trading?

3- Do you allow yourself some vacation?

4- Did you receive personal training from other traders or did you mainly educate yourself on your own?

5- What do you consider the best type of education for a trader?

6- Do you ever do any traveling related to trading?

7- For how long have you been trading?

8- How were your first steps in the trading world?

9- What do you dislike about your job?

10- What trading strategy do you prefer over others?

11- How much time does it take to become a profitable trader?

12- What is your favorite market? (Forex, stocks, futures etc.)

13- Did you ever consider quitting trading for a standard job?

14- Do you create your own strategies or use the ones that already exist?

15- How do your family and friends react toward your job?

Why would anyone want to go to the time and effort of answering all these questions and emailing them off to you along with their name and location???

At least if you gave a bit of background and asked nicely people may be nice enough to do you a favour and help you out.

1- Is most professional traders’ income really unstable or do most of them manage to keep things steady?

It depends on the skill of the trader.

2- What schedule do you have for your trading?

I monitor markets as close to 24 hours as I can. I begin watching them closely when I am in the office shortly before 7am. I usually leave after 7pm. I get home after 8pm, have some dinner while watching them again until around 11pm when I get in bed. I usually wake at least two or three times throughout the night to check the Asian session.

3- Do you allow yourself some vacation?

I try and get a couple of weeks a year but I will usually check the markets once per day even while on holiday.

4- Did you receive personal training from other traders or did you mainly educate yourself on your own?

I educated myself MAINLY but I also received help from another trader.

5- What do you consider the best type of education for a trader?

Screen time.

6- Do you ever do any traveling related to trading?

Three hours a day to and from work.

7- For how long have you been trading?

I made my first trade around eight years ago but been actively trading for about three years.

8- How were your first steps in the trading world?


9- What do you dislike about your job?

There is nothing I dislike about it. It's the best job in the world.

10- What trading strategy do you prefer over others?

Trading price action.

11- How much time does it take to become a profitable trader?

Depends on the trader. I've seen traders become consistently profitable in three months.

12- What is your favorite market? (Forex, stocks, futures etc.)

I trade them all. I am perhaps most active in the FX markets though.

13- Did you ever consider quitting trading for a standard job?

Is this a joke?

14- Do you create your own strategies or use the ones that already exist?

Trading price action has been done since the dawn of time. I just add my own experiences in the market to it.

15- How do your family and friends react toward your job?

They are happy I am happy but for the most part seem to think I am gambling.