Looking for trading buddys :)


Junior member

I've been trading actively since July 2004. Since then I have been focusing on day trading from home using esignal and a couple of monitors etc. Now I'm trading both longer term 1-6 months in Options and Intraday during the last 2 hours of trading (Oh I'm trading the US market btw)
I'd like to meet someone else who's committed to trading who would like to be a trading partner or really just someone who I can converse with, share good stock picks and basically just be a trading buddy. I dont mean sharing the same account I just think it would help me (and u hopefully) by having someone to converse with on a regular basis.
If anyone is interested in discussing this more place let me know. I live in NW london.
Hi CrazyKiwi

It's a shame that you're not a little further South, as we have a good group of traders that meets up quite often, down here in East Sussex. Instruments traded are mostly currency and US index futures. Of course you're always welcome to join us if in the area.


CrazyKiwi said:

I've been trading actively since July 2004. Since then I have been focusing on day trading from home using esignal and a couple of monitors etc. Now I'm trading both longer term 1-6 months in Options and Intraday during the last 2 hours of trading (Oh I'm trading the US market btw)
I'd like to meet someone else who's committed to trading who would like to be a trading partner or really just someone who I can converse with, share good stock picks and basically just be a trading buddy. I dont mean sharing the same account I just think it would help me (and u hopefully) by having someone to converse with on a regular basis.
If anyone is interested in discussing this more place let me know. I live in NW london.
Hi Rog111, thanks for your reply. Can you give me some more info about where you meet and how often. What do you normally discuss etc. I may still be keen even through it's a little bit of a trek.


We usually meet monthly at a pub in Lewes, Sussex from ca 19h00 until closing, although we could make it a little nearer the mainline train from London. Talk is normally 99% trading, but all in a friendly helpful & non-soapbox fashion. We have also done some lunchtimes for longer chats. In addition a couple of us meet more regularly at each other's houses during trading hours to seriously watch the markets & trade together, planning to start a small local office very soon.

You are most welcome anytime, PM me if you are interested.


CrazyKiwi said:
Hi Rog111, thanks for your reply. Can you give me some more info about where you meet and how often. What do you normally discuss etc. I may still be keen even through it's a little bit of a trek.
