Looking for technical trades...Suggestions?


Hiya ladies and gents...

London prop trader... trade purely technicals... used to trade WTI and Brent fly's but they are not longer followign the tech's...6 months been looking for new trades to fill the void. Currently on Lean hogs vs Live Cattle which is quite technical and has been working well... also on a bit of cocoa calenders...anyone have any suggestions for things to look at?

Cheers all

p.s. first article?😀:cheesy::cheesy:😀
Hiya ladies and gents...

London prop trader... trade purely technicals... used to trade WTI and Brent fly's but they are not longer followign the tech's...6 months been looking for new trades to fill the void. Currently on Lean hogs vs Live Cattle which is quite technical and has been working well... also on a bit of cocoa calenders...anyone have any suggestions for things to look at?

Cheers all

p.s. first article?😀:cheesy::cheesy:😀

i used to trade those fly's. not sure what you mean by not following the technicals? i think each individual month you cld trade using TA, which wld provide the spread & thus the fly price. they got bit too choppy when i was trading them - full of algos, wld blow out fly ranges all the time, and as it was so expensive to trade oil ($1 a lot) you couldnt afford to even scratch a trade - i was doing $30k broker fees a month which meant needed at least 2 ticks on each fly to cover the cost. the fly's also used to follow the front outright future - but that only lasted a few months when i was trading them.

are you only looking to trade arbs? wld have thought your prop house wld have had a few ideas! hogo & crack spreads were quite popular at the prop house i was at. there were a few trading the futures across diff exchanges also - corn / coffee / copper (i think). the most popular arb trade if you can call it that was the bund / bobl / schatz fly.
Not following technicals since the volume has been drying up lately and the fly's are blowing out, traded them across the curve and with costs, like you said, its no longer worth it! Definetely are too choppy now... hence moving on now.

As far as what Im looking for, my prop house has a million things on the table and is sorting through them all but Im trading hogo now and im trying to look at the crack spread. What is the copper arb you mention? And the trusty euro-fly yes, but cant brign myself to touch any fixed income at the moment. Merkel might come out and scratch her **** and itll move the markets nowadays!
Dont know too much about it but a few people were about to start trading the LME vs Nymex copper futures. i no longer have access to chart data for these but chart it up and have a look - you may need to fiddle with the chart ratios if your creating a spread chart for them.

but hey, if your following the technicals & trading hogo you may as well jump on board & give outrights a go. i dabbled with commods (gold / crude light), indices & fx futures whilst at the prop house and have continued now on my own using an SB firm. The problem obv with trading DMA outrights was the fixed min tick size, my strategy often has SLs of >50 ticks and obv i wasnt comfortable trading with this risk when i was just getting started, so i wld stick my trades on with a SB firm with v small stakes instead & scalp using DMA. i wldn't touch indices pair trading - a few guys were, one was trading the dax/ftse spread but when you look at the chart you may aswell just trade them individually imo - i think some were trading each leg separately knowing that they had a rough hedge on if it went tits up.

another popular trade was the US TY vs CGB (canadian govt bond), this wld be a side trade for a lot of traders picking basic levels & letting autospreader do the rest. Crap positions cld often be worked better manually, & most ppl wld avge every 15 ticks with 3 clips. it wld have the occasional 200 tick swing but it wld range 30-50 ticks a lot of the time. Not sure what its like now.
Hiya ladies and gents...

London prop trader... trade purely technicals... used to trade WTI and Brent fly's but they are not longer followign the tech's ...anyone have any suggestions for things to look at?

Cheers all

p.s. first article?😀:cheesy::cheesy:😀

I will suggest something out of my own experience , and i say it with NO doubt in my mind after the intensive research and testing i have done with it ,, and it is strictly my personal opinion .
I do NOT know what tech analysis you r using ,,, BUT there is one thing i use and seems to give me atleast 90% accuracy calling tops and bottoms ,, i trade the FX market with it and with that kind of success rate ,, BUT i am sure it will work on anything u want to trade . and it is NOT seasonal with its success rate like man made systems and strategies ,, so you CAN continue to trade the markets u enjoy trading .
Get to learn Fibonacci , make it ur best friend ,, and do NOT limit the use of it as i see with every person that talks about it ( Fib is NOT just about 61.8 and 161.8,,, you need to go beyond that mentality and many times it is NOT used on the visual eye tops and bottoms,, u need to take into count the first swing in any run ,, and from there it is ONLY a mathematical repeat and expansion on that range ,, and dont be afraid to explore the 261.8 and the 300 and 361.8 , it will amze u ,, just play with it and it will click for u just like it did for me ,,, and most importantly ,, UNLIKE every tool u have on whatever platform u use , Fib is NOT a tool ,, because it is NOT man made ,, and thats a fact ,, it is a naturally occuring phenomenon . and thats why i can trade with it as a stand alone analysis with nothing else on my chart
I wish u luck.

I will suggest something out of my own experience , and i say it with NO doubt in my mind after the intensive research and testing i have done with it....
and seems to give me atleast 90% accuracy calling tops and bottoms....
..Get to learn Fibonacci

Are you trolling, surely you are? What a complete load of rubbish, if this is true then do you know you are the only person in the world who can call tops / bottoms with 90% accuracy using Fibs? Well done.

However your statement becomes a little fishy when you write "after the intensive research and testing I have done / it SEEMS to give me".....
Seems? That's not very definitive is it? Sounds like you haven't tested it thoroughly else you wld be stating 'after back and fwd testing for 30 year period Fibs proved a 91.2% accuracy blah de blah'.
At best it can be self fullfilling in that some big institutions will be using it, but that won't tell you which fib level it will extend or retrace to.
But feel free to prove the numerous research papers wrong (edit: I will try and remember to post some links when I get back to a pc) and post your intensive research results (and methodology).
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Are you trolling, surely you are? What a complete load of rubbish, if this is true then do you know you are the only person in the world who can call tops / bottoms with 90% accuracy using Fibs? Well done.

However your statement becomes a little fishy when you write "after the intensive research and testing I have done / it SEEMS to give me".....
Seems? That's not very definitive is it? Sounds like you haven't tested it thoroughly else you wld be stating 'after back and fwd testing for 30 year period Fibs proved a 91.2% accuracy blah de blah'.
At best it can be self fullfilling in that some big institutions will be using it, but that won't tell you which fib level it will extend or retrace to.
But feel free to prove the numerous research papers wrong (edit: I will try and remember to post some links when I get back to a pc) and post your intensive research results (and methodology).

Its greatly disappointing to see so much RUBBISH thrown at someone when they make a statement,,, and this is the same reason why i REALLY do NOT like posting much on any website ,, and i was very very hesitant to comment here with what i said about my findings,, BUT for me and any person with any good common sense that it would be to ask nicely and then rubbish something,, and IF YOU DO NOT SEE OR UNABLE TO SEE what i said for whatever reason,, ( maybe ur ignorance or maybe ur lack of ability to be able to use any system or tool ,, then do NOT rubbish like this ) .....sorry my words may sound harsh BUT its NOT meant to be insulting BUT rather as a friendly suggestion as to how u should handle anyones opinion and after all i did say it was strictly my personal opinion and finding,,,
SO please IF u can NOT say something nice then dont say anything at all , and after all ,, WHY SHOULD I go to the trouble of proving anything to YOU after this kind of UNAPPRECIATIVE attitude u r demonstrating .. BUT let me finish with this , i hold nothing against u friend, BUT i would take a more friendly approach next time want to comment , wishing u all the best with ur trading courier ,, NO one is perfect and i am the first to admit it ,, BUT do ur research then come and comment ,, and YES maybe THIS IS WHAT THE INSTITUTIONS ARE USING and of course thats why u will NOT see what i said anywhere ,, again this is my opinion and as i respect other peoples opinions u should respect in return ,,, it will take u along way with people ,, i might be a rookie member BUT i am NO little kid , and i could be double ur age also .
Its greatly disappointing to see so much RUBBISH thrown at someone when they make a statement,,, and this is the same reason why i REALLY do NOT like posting much on any website ,, and i was very very hesitant to comment here with what i said about my findings,, BUT for me and any person with any good common sense that it would be to ask nicely and then rubbish something,, and IF YOU DO NOT SEE OR UNABLE TO SEE what i said for whatever reason,, ( maybe ur ignorance or maybe ur lack of ability to be able to use any system or tool ,, then do NOT rubbish like this ) .....sorry my words may sound harsh BUT its NOT meant to be insulting BUT rather as a friendly suggestion as to how u should handle anyones opinion and after all i did say it was strictly my personal opinion and finding,,,
SO please IF u can NOT say something nice then dont say anything at all , and after all ,, WHY SHOULD I go to the trouble of proving anything to YOU after this kind of UNAPPRECIATIVE attitude u r demonstrating .. BUT let me finish with this , i hold nothing against u friend, BUT i would take a more friendly approach next time want to comment , wishing u all the best with ur trading courier ,, NO one is perfect and i am the first to admit it ,, BUT do ur research then come and comment ,, and YES maybe THIS IS WHAT THE INSTITUTIONS ARE USING and of course thats why u will NOT see what i said anywhere ,, again this is my opinion and as i respect other peoples opinions u should respect in return ,,, it will take u along way with people ,, i might be a rookie member BUT i am NO little kid , and i could be double ur age also .

Hmmm, where do I start? the OP was asking for new trades...I gave a few, you didn't...but you still chimed in claiming you had found the holy grail indicator. Apols if me trying to keep the thread on topic, and asking you to back up all the wild off topic claims is deemed offensive, on that basis you will be slitting your wrists when the milkman says hi.

Anyway I will assume you have drunk too much, both times.

Btw using CAPS LOCKS just comes across as you shouting online I.e. Not debating too well. Using cApS loCKs this way means your a bit mad, cos that's impossible to do orally.