Looking for SII Exam material


Im looking for the Bpp or 7city exam material for the certificate in securities and financial derivatives. That is, Unit 1 - Financial Regulation and Unit 4 - Securities and Financial derivatives. Anyone who has taken the exams and wants to sell the material feel free to contact me.
SII Material

Are you still in need of the SII Exams revision material. I have the BPP distance learning material if you would be keen to purchase it. Let me know if you are keen.

Hi there,
Im also looking for the Bpp or 7city exam material for the certificate in securities and financial derivatives. Any recommendation for those of us on a tight budget.?
Look on ebay quite a few exam papers and study modules tend to pop up on there
have a look on amazon - i got my distance learning books very cheap from there!

best of luck with the studies guys! Im having to crunch it on the trains to and from work and of an evening - no fun but worth it in the end!
Anyone offers spare materials for
SII Certificate - Unit 1 Financial Regulation exam?
I have the BPP material for Unit 1. Can sell it at 70% discount. let me know if you want it.


Yep, what exactly have you got? or just the study book?


Yep, what exactly have you got? or just the study book?


Just PM me such that we can discuss the delivery, price and payment, etc..
Make sure you only buy the post MiFid edition if you're buying second hand materials.
Material wanted

anyone here have the question bank papers for securities unit 2?

i have the book and classroom book already - just wanted to know what else I am missing?
Hi guys. I have just completed unit 1 so Im selling my material.
Let me know if you need

I have the latest (STUDY BOOK) & (QUESTION BANK & PRACTICE EXAMINATION). They cost £80 I'll let them both go for £50. Or nearest offer
[email protected]

Im in London 07944 613332, txt me ill call u back

(Thanks blancspa)
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ups, look if I were you I wouldnt post things like mobile number or email address like this
ask people to send you PM
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I need the books for a friend asap, he has his exam booked anyone looking to sell them please pm me asap.
