Looking For Custom Programmer In UK To Meet & Discuss Project



I currently have very basic knowledge of code and have created some explorations which work as required.

I am developing trading systems at present and need to backtest them accurately and am looking for someone to code what I require, ideally I would like to meet and discuss my requirements (obviously for a fee).

As an alternative to this I would be quite happy to meet with someone who has good knowledge of MS and be able to teach me how to use the system tester then I could maybe code it myself and am willing to travel anywhere within the UK, again I would be willing to pay a fee for this service.

Believe me I have tried the formula primer and purchased further manuals online but to no avail at present.

Any offers or advice where I could get an answer will be greatly appreciated!
As always, depends on the fee. I'm expensive! 😀

I would suggest you just push through and learn it yourself, be better for it in the end.
As always, depends on the fee. I'm expensive! 😀

I would suggest you just push through and learn it yourself, be better for it in the end.

Hey, everybody has their price 😀

I fully take on board what you're saying about learning myself, however I have been studying for about 3 years and my new year resolution is to get myself trading, hence my impatience!

I really think no more than a few hours to talk me through the workings of the system tester in relation to what I want it to do is all I need. I'm the kind of personality that learns best when shown practically.

To that effect if you're serious about your offer please inbox me with your location & price, hopefully we can come to an agreement that suits us both.

Thanks for your comments and all the best 👍