Looking for Arcade in UK/Ireland or quality remote access facility. Using own capital


Hello All,

I have previous experience scalping futures intraday for a couple of prop shops a few years ago. I'm looking to get back into trading on a more part time basis as i have several projects on the go and as such cant commit to trading full time.

As such I am looking to get in contact with an arcade/prop shop that will allow me to trade my own capital and get direct access to futures markets. My strategy is order flow/Time and Sales based so requires Ultra Low Latency Direct Market Access.

As mentioned i have scalped for a prop shop before using their capital but am looking to back myself this time but have been unable to find a company in ireland that offers what I want. Will be doing roughly 4000-8000 spins per day so on ICE/NYMEX energy markets so reasonable Round Turn costs are essential. If anyone knows of any decent arcades that offer low latency remote trading or a decent office setup to traders in the UK or Ireland who Back themselves with their own money I would be grateful for the information.
Hi BubbleDrama,

Try www.h20-trading.co.uk as I heard the guys there are ex-LIFFE traders and they are quietly looking for locals.

My mate joined them in January 2012 and he's doing well there. He said the set up is very good.
I am only casually trading whilst keeping a day job so won't be looking at joining an arcade seriously for a while yet.

Good luck.
Hi Guys,

Hope all is well...I'm looking for 2 desk spaces within a professional trading environment we are both ex city guys running PA money.

Please let me know what works.

Best regards and thank you.


[email protected] 07787536683
It's in the City of London but you can trade remotely from home if you wish. Depends on how many screens and what trading platform you want to use. But the first 6 months you get a discount, plus you get all the rebates on most major exchanges. Just desk fees are about 850 pounds inc VAT. Of course if you trade from home you just pay the software which ranges from 800 to 1250 GBP. I pay around 2,000 GBP.