Looking for a training course, basics.


Well-known member
Hi guys,

naturally when one moves forward to trading, people start asking 😉

One of my employees became interested recently. I look for some good materials to get him started himself. Not "how o trade", but basically something for the basics - what are futures, how do they work, first steps in technical analysis.

Is there something like "Futures Trading for Dummies" (which is a great series) that is not too expensive that I can just put into the hands of people interested? The stuff from my broker is not well organized. I do not look for a course "ok, here is how you make profit" ,but really something to get some system admin some idea what the basics are 😉
The loivermoore is definitely not it - I have it. Great read, but simply not technical enough. Darvis is similar ;( Too focused.

Actually I just realized there IS a dummies book 😉 Amazon.com: Trading Futures For Dummies (For Dummies (Business & Personal Finance)): Joe Duarte MD: Books. I will get it. Plus currency trading.

Imagine you have to get a programmer into working on a charting / Trading platform. He needs quite a lot of basics to understand more than "ok, funny lines". He does not need to TRADE, but it would be nmic eto teach him, easily, organized, all the "basics", technically. Delivery Dates, Margin, how options work, what is technical analysis so he can make SOME sense out of the charts 😉

I just realized there is a dummies series for that 😉