Looking for a dynamic SQL interface - Any assistance?


Happy New Year.

I am writing to see if you can help me find a very specific financial platform / database. CRSP provides daily as well as intraday prices but I am looking to interact with stock market data directly. Ie, not through Excel or SAS or MatLab, but through an SQL (or alternate) interface.

I want to query stock market scenarios. For example, simple cases of interest:

select company names that have dividends

select time(s) when stock X dropped 15% over a 1 month interval

select company names that have a debt ratio over 50%

(building blocks to larger plans)

I am looking to quickly query the past and ascertain what occurred from a given event going forward. Whether the going forward represents the next day, week, year, etc. All dynamic.

Currently I have only come across stock screeners which output stocks that meet certain criteria today. Not only am I looking to extract these companies on past data, but also retrieve the respective returns of the companies.

Has anyone come across such a platform / database ?

Please let me know if any concepts must be clarified. Appreciate the help.

mysql would be great for this

I also recommend xampp (I think website is apachefriends.org) which will setup a current mysql database as well as the wildly popular phpmyadmin interface that you can run on your local machine very easily
Appreciate the feedback. Understood mysql would work yet i am looking for something I do not have to build myself, a platform with stock data that is already created for me to run queries.