Longest period you can have before i need to rollover?


Junior member

Got a dumb question. If i want to go more longer term with spread betting whats the longest period i can have before i need to rollover ?

I'm abit confused by the ''expiry date'' vs the rollover date. I keep reading that you need to rollover on your expiry date, but then also reading that the longest period you can run a position before rolling it over is within the 3 month/quarterly period, and a rollover is needed every qtr. Which is confusing me.

ie, if the expiry date is in 2014 , does this mean i wont have to roll it over until that date and i will not have to pay any rollover charges until then (no quarterly) but i'll just have to pay more on the spread for the privilege of the longer contract?


I will need to rollover every qtr as that is the longest contract available ?


Got a dumb question. If i want to go more longer term with spread betting whats the longest period i can have before i need to rollover ?

I'm abit confused by the ''expiry date'' vs the rollover date. I keep reading that you need to rollover on your expiry date, but then also reading that the longest period you can run a position before rolling it over is within the 3 month/quarterly period, and a rollover is needed every qtr. Which is confusing me.

ie, if the expiry date is in 2014 , does this mean i wont have to roll it over until that date and i will not have to pay any rollover charges until then (no quarterly) but i'll just have to pay more on the spread for the privilege of the longer contract?


I will need to rollover every qtr as that is the longest contract available ?


Not all spreadbet companies share the same policy as regards rollovers. In other words, how rollovers and expiries are handled, really depends on which spread bet outfits (and it's highly recommended to spread your eggs among a few companies) you are using. Frankly, it's best that you check the terms of whatever company you are using. Also, if I understand you correctly, you might be confusing 'futures bets' with daily 'rollover bets'.

That being said, a few spread-bet companies e.g. Ig Index, allow you to rollover, if not indefinitely then almost indefinitely- provided firstly that you give them a written instruction to "auto-rollover all bets", that you've the funds in place to cover any margin needs, and lastly that they accept such an instruction on your account. Beware though that many people abuse their flexible rollover policy, thus allowing their 'losers' to run on and on and on: Great for the spreadbet company (...which is why I wonder why don't more spreabet companies encourage rollover flexibility?) but not so great for the many undisciplined punters, who hang on indefinitely to losing positions on a wing and a prayer. Then again, that may well present little problem at all, *if* you've the discipline and wherewithal to cover continuing roll-overs...