Long Term Trading - CFD or Spread Betting?


Hi all

I am looking to do some trading using cmc markets however would like some advice. From my understanding Spread betting and CFD are short term strategies but I wanted to invest in an instrument which goes out for e.g. 3 months. From reading around it seems that investing on a longer term basis (i.e. more than a month) is not advisable using Spreads or CFD's?

Does this seem accurate?
Of the 2 it seems that CFD are a better strategy for longer term trading as they dont have an expiry but I would be paying a higher fee everyday?

Any advice is appreciated
spread betting/cfds are pretty much identical trading tools which one you use depends on your location mainly - if in the UK or Ireland use spread betting, if overseas use CFDs.

with current interest rates at a record low you can hold a CFD for up to 6 months and it will still be cheaper than a conventional stock holding.
Looking longer-term, holding shares brings annual dividends, which pay a better yield than most savings accounts, and reasonably reliable for blue chips.