I’m looking for trading partners. Let me know if anyone’s interested and we can meet up and decide on next task.
About Me – I got trained by a Prop firm on simulation for 3 months on DOM software(Stellar and TT) following markets EuroStoxx, Bund, Bobl, Dax, EMin S&P, Gold, Oil, GBP, Gilt, Tnotes, EuroFx, Yen.
Charting ive used is CQG and MarketDelta(IQFeed)
Ive excellent understanding of Economic calendars interpretation and trading on News and Nos(I prefer not to trade imm on news but after 5 mins for ex on NFP)
I’ve checked arcades and they are very costly for new traders and lockup the money.
Ive listed my markets and resources required as below and im open to suggestions. My Email id is -
[email protected]
Market Initially I’m considering EuroStoxx. With more capital will go for Bund Bobl. I’m, considering Europe only since we live in that time zone and to save the cost. I follow EMini S&p AND EuroFx on CME. Happy to go for any trading instrument other than spread betting.
Internet and TV – 2 broadband, charting, Trading and 1 TV - Bloomberg CNBC
Print News – I got FT and Economist Online license which I can share.
Live Nos- Reuters - Ideally I would love to have it but it’s a bit costly ill avoid Bloomberg also for the same reason. Once we will have enough capital we can think of it
Squawk – Important for me with all the live commentary. I listen to Ran Squawk and Live Squawk and find them almost comparable. Plus they provide market research and economic calendars. Any other ideas im open.
Platform – I want to trade Futures only so DOM is imp for me. To limit cost im considering NiinjaTrader we can get together and get some discount on that. I like its ATM strategy which will be usefully in fast moving Forex Market. I like TT but its costly. With Velocity you get it free but don’t get others like oco and advanced orders. Again open to suggestions.
Data Feed – Personally and with talk to other guys they rely on CQG but its bit costly. I’ll be happy to go with Market Delta which gives Volume Profile and Footprint Profile which I found extremely helpful. Plus we can share single license to multiple screens which saves cost. Both are costly. But if I get more people ill be happy to go with CQG and MD(For FootPrint).
Desk and computers – Its individual preference. I prefer 4 monitors and 2 Desktopes. Charting and Trading. If we have more people then we can share the charting software machine. Which will be way cheap since cost of license and desktop will be reduced plus we can share the charts on any monitors.
Above are my initial thoughts. Let me know if anyone needs to set it up with me Or existing ones willing to share resources.
Im happy to help any newbie if they want to learn what i know
Ive listed the above ones by my limited experience. I want to get started trading Eurostoxx asap and
please respond if you have any doubts or suggestion or want to group with me.