London trading premises


Senior member
I'm on the lookout for somewhere to trade, which isn't an arcade. The going rate for arcades seems to be about £1,600-£1,800 a month once you add it all up, but my style of trading is more medium term and low frequency.. i.e., if I have a laptop and internet I'm good.

Anyone else out there operate an office for traders (not an arcade)?
if your needs are so minimal, out of interest why are you desperate to pay for an office? What are you expecting to gain from this?
I would have thought that a dongle for your laptop and a starbucks would be enough then.
if your needs are so minimal, out of interest why are you desperate to pay for an office? What are you expecting to gain from this?

I would think it would be to get away from the solitude of trading.

A shared office space for non arcade traders would be quite hard to keep running. Which is why we dont see many/any around.
I'm trading out of an arcade at the moment, however it's pricey. The benefits are it's a proper dealing room, it's sociable and a proper working environment. The downside is the cost.. looking for something a bit cheaper, wondered if there was anything else out there that might fit the bill.
I think Lee sheaperd had a set up similer to what your looking for but he doesn't post anymore, maybe if you try pm'ing him.
I take my laptop to the library in the city. Nice and quiet.

Which library? Is there somewhere comfortable to sit and any eye candy (very important!)

I had to go to my library when I had connection problems and I could go on for 1 hr, then had to take 15 min break every hour which was annoying. Do they implement anything like this?
I'm in the process of setting something like this up. PM me if you are interested. I'm looking at a place in Regent Street tomorrow.

I'm willing to carve a statue of Jesse Livermore out of chopped liver if you like. PM me if you are interested.
I'm on the lookout for somewhere to trade, which isn't an arcade. The going rate for arcades seems to be about £1,600-£1,800 a month once you add it all up, but my style of trading is more medium term and low frequency.. i.e., if I have a laptop and internet I'm good.

Anyone else out there operate an office for traders (not an arcade)?

what do you get with 1600-1800 pounds per month ? Do they include CQG and trading platform ?
CQG shared with a couple of others, trading platform (e.g. TT) is extra. The monthly rent only really covers the costs, they then earn each time you trade. Arcades make money from brokerage and through trading, not really from desk rental.