London Traders meet 29 May 2004

stoploss please

Established member

We were planning a Forex Traders meet for the 22/05, however the venue will not be available on that day. Looking to reschedule for the 29/05. Looking to have a general forum where all subjects are open for discussion.

Can I have a quick show of hands who fancies coming along.

I will send out the email/pm invite for this Main meeting in the afternoon [2-230pm start ] of saturday 29/5, some comingtime this weekend.

As for the forex workshop I think we need to limit the numbers here to 10max, and we need to look for a mix of more experienced traders as well as newbies, as this is not an introduction to forex but a workshop to develop and add to strategies. We can always hold an introduction to forex workshop another time, but we need to keep some sessions useful for the more experienced traders as well so they continue to attend. As I will be chairing it i wil look to stay 'on subject' for thisparticular workshop ie forex, and limit our discussions to forex only so we can keep it specific. I will intoduce some strategy/trading ideas and open them up for discussion and expansion/improvement ideas.

The afternoon session 'main monthly meeting' is of course open to all, and additionally if anyone wants to host a workshop please get in touch with Andy or I by pm or email.

When replying to this thread please state wether your interest is in attending the forex workshop (morning) or the main meeting in the afternoon, and if you are not already known to Andy or i please pm me (bbmac) with a brief profile including experience and areas traded, and email address, as we are looking to distribute a complete members list to members of the group only, so that you can see who trades what and experience levels etc.

Hope it is all clear,


Sorry to see you changed the date, I will be away on holiday from 27th. Wish you a very good day.
Hi BBmac/ Stoploss

I'd like to attend the morning and afternoon sessions, if that's ok.

Sorry guys can't make it because i will be in the states.
However will try to get to any others later in the year happy learning.
I am also sorry about the changed date. It's start of school mid-term break and we will be on holiday. Have a great day. I hope to be present at the June event. rgds