live account


Junior member
Why choose LIVE ACCOUNT ?
1) SPREAD INCREASE: The Spread shall be highly increased during the most important news release, and I may be easily wiped out from the market even before knowing the result of the news.

2) SLIPPAGE INCREASE: The slippage which exists between the expected price and the real execution price increases as well, and therefore, I could get the execution at the end of the spike very often.

3) NON LIQUIDITY: The “Lack of Liquidity” in those moments not only, gives a bad execution prices, but also, bad order filling. Therefore, I may risk not to be able to close (or open) the position at the right time during the few minutes of the spike.

4) FREEZED SCREEN: Various dishonest brokers can freeze your MT4 platform in those moments and you can stay trapped in a losing position.

5) STOP HUNTERS: One minute before the spike, the MM’s can move the market up and down in order to hunt all possible stop losses before the spike, therefore, I would be involved in a risky situation to place the order before the news release.