Link To Website/ebook With All fundamentals Of Fx Markets And What Makes Them Do It?


Established member
ALoha i feel very happy and comfortable trading ftse as i know quite alot about what controls its value, what factors affect in in what way, how it likes to move at different times of day, and how dow affects it.

However i want to spreadbet on FX markets too, so does anoyne know links to an ebook or site that explains all the fundamentles and things i know about ftse for the FX markets??

(Explained in very easy to understand simple but detailed way??)

Thanks i worked my way through the whole course and have graduated from the university.. 😀🙂😀

I found 3 chapters quite helpful, however most of it was just very very basic stuff that i already knew.. 😕😢
But thanks for it, it never helps to refresh yourself.

Um ive found a website:
Forex | Economic indicators | Beige book | Balance of payments | Consumer price index, CPI | Gross domestic product, GDP
That tells me all the things i need to know about how all of the fundamentels and economic data affect the currency's value.

However does anyone also know any website that gives easy to read and understand but detailed info about how more broad things such as interest rates and inflation affect the FX markets, and what interest rates and inflation actually are (in easy but deatiled terms)??? :?: 🙁

(I feel very very dumb now) 🙁

I know indicies, but FX is all new to me though. 🙁

(Btw could 1 of you moderators put my topic into the main FX forum, not the begginners only 1 so i get more exposure, and also correct the spelling mistakes in title??) 🙂
