Liberal Elites

Cooper = load of balls, unsurprisingly , all mouth like her prancing husband. Sorry couldn't bear listening to her arrogant condescending voice
And yet it is the conservative elites who have screwed the Republican base and will do so again.
Good thread.

Members of the elite often conceal the dangers of leftist ideology. Centrist and even democratic rightist political movements will manifest differences between each other with regards this or that policy on national economy, crime, immigration, education etc. etc. They'd all like to be in control but their supporters pretty much see choices between these policies as judgement calls and may move between them on a spectrum depending on circumstances of the time.

The leftist movements of the world see these power blocks as illegitimate oppressors and claim a moral ascendancy. This can be carried through to justify re-distribution of wealth and populations, eradication of politically opposed views and institutions, eradication of ownership of property and alternative access routes to education and health care - in fact state involvement in everything. They seek a spurious and self-designated moral high ground rather than confronting facts and statistics. They are inherently nascent dictatorships.
I think that they just try to earn kudos among their peers by spouting this nonsense. Within the bubble that these people exist in, the only way you get to the top is by out doing the next man (sorry person) with some statement even more radical than the last. They come out with this tripe, not because they believe it or, god forbid practice it, but because they are conformists to the dogma of their cult. It pleases their masters and impresses their minions. In layman's terms, its all bullshít.
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Cooper = load of balls, unsurprisingly , all mouth like her prancing husband. Sorry couldn't bear listening to her arrogant condescending voice

She is truly awful isn't she. A product of the politically correct world she inhabits. Completely out of touch with reality.

As for her other half, not only did he spout balls on the economy with his so called economic policies, but he can't dance either.:LOL:
Was rejected by the electorate at the last general election and yet still craves pubic attention. He just has nothing going for him, but persists in trying to maintain some kind of elevated status.

The general public are having the last laugh mind. Purposely voting for him to stay on the show.
Someone really ought to tell him. They are laughing at you Ed, not with you !


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She is truly awful isn't she. A product of the politically correct world she inhabits. Completely out of touch with reality.

As for her other half, not only did he spout balls on the economy with his so called economic policies, but he can't dance either.:LOL:
Was rejected by the electorate at the last general election and yet still craves pubic attention. He just has nothing going for him, but persists in trying to maintain some kind of elevated status.

The general public are having the last laugh mind. Purposely voting for him to stay on the show.
Someone really ought to tell him. They are laughing at you Ed, not with you !

Hey Mate

Leave ED alone

Things at Norwich never looked better with Ed at the helm.:LOL:
I see nothing wrong in having some professional MPs. Not all but some. MPs should come from a cross section of society. Outgoing people of " out of the box views too ".
Even Bloomsbury types and theatrical types, not just dour flat capped Union people and accountants.
I see nothing wrong in having some professional MPs. Not all but some. MPs should come from a cross section of society. Outgoing people of " out of the box views too ".
Even Bloomsbury types and theatrical types, not just dour flat capped Union people and accountants.

This lowering of standards and lack of diversity re our own MP's has only come about because of the EU. Our own MP's have been hiding behind the EU system. Abdicating any responsibility and in turn have become out of touch with voters.
The same has happened across Europe. Only now are they waking up and facing reality.
As always there's them that does the thinking and telling and the rest that do the work. The only changes are the names.