Lex Van Dam


Junior member

So I was watching Million Dollar Traders again yesterday and decided to google Lex Van Dam (the guy that runs a hedge fund and taught a bunch of people with no experience how to trade, for those that havn't seen it) and stumbled across his website where he offers a 5 step trading course for a measly ₤250.

Link http://www.lexvandam.com/online-education.php?PHPSESSID=872f1ec6e10cf714e5dae9607c47c555

Just wondering if anyone has seen / participated in this and any thoughts?
Ooops. My mistake

Edit: Can't find a thread on his online course... only on the TV show
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Not going to say anything against the guy - he worked at a large hedge fund so clearly he must be good at trading. But I do find it "suspicious" that as soon as he becomes famous, he starts offering a trading course for that "measly" price.
Not going to say anything against the guy - he worked at a large hedge fund so clearly he must be good at trading. But I do find it "suspicious" that as soon as he becomes famous, he starts offering a trading course for that "measly" price.

Well i read an interview with him, and he basically said that the Million Dollar Traders show was his idea and his proof that he can teach. He also said he was doing it so cheap as it's not his full time job and he's trying to get people to go to him rather than the scam artists that charge loads.
Personally I think he's legit, he worked for GS, I don't see any reason for him to lie.
Probably his way of being a philanthropist, bill gates stylee only for traders 🙂
Not into courses and training myself, I'd say its got to be up there with the best available if that flicks your switch.
Can't argue with his credentials anyway.
Yes, I don't doubt his ability to trade - he's clearly very smart. But I just don't think a guy with his talents should be offering a course so cheap. I know I wouldn't.

I would attend but would just go there with an open mind - don't expect him to reveal his secrets of success for 250 pounds.
Yes, I don't doubt his ability to trade - he's clearly very smart. But I just don't think a guy with his talents should be offering a course so cheap. I know I wouldn't.

I would attend but would just go there with an open mind - don't expect him to reveal his secrets of success for 250 pounds.

😆 I know what you mean.
TBH I'd go with an open mind and low expectations (coffee, sandwiches and a slide show).
Anything else is a bonus at 250 beer tokens 🙂
That way you are more likely to be pleasantly surprised rather than disappointed.
Yeah of course I'm not going to expect to be trading like Lex in a few weeks... unfortunately...

But hopefully this will give me a good grounding in trading. Especially for only ₤250!
Seriously though if 250 sheets is loose change to you go for it.
If its more than that, books may be a better and more lasting investment?

TBH 250 for a course with someone like LVD is peanuts compared to some of the
other crap around like 3K for a VS course (I'll let you figure out who VS is - libel and slander etc. 😉)

Me personally, never done a course or read a book 😱
Just lots of googling, lateral thinking, experimentation and bookmarking net info.
Each to his own 🙂
Seriously though if 250 sheets is loose change to you go for it.
If its more than that, books may be a better and more lasting investment?

TBH 250 for a course with someone like LVD is peanuts compared to some of the
other crap around like 3K for a VS course (I'll let you figure out who VS is - libel and slander etc. 😉)

Me personally, never done a course or read a book 😱
Just lots of googling, lateral thinking, experimentation and bookmarking net info.
Each to his own 🙂

It's not loose change as such, but a lot less than I was prepared to spend. Especially for someone of his calibre. Worth a punt definitely.

I'll let post after I'm done to let people know if it's any good.

Firstly, do not be intimidated by either goldmans or putative intelligence. The former makes enormous money by various means irrelevant to retail trading. The latter... well, being astoundingly clever (seriously... I'm not bragging by stating I'm way beyond genius) I assure you it's meaningless.

Secondly, absolutey any retard can work at a hedge fund... anyone can start a hedge fund!

Basically, be suspicious gents!
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Don't mind buying his book on stocks, offered on Amazon.com.

It's beginner stuff for people who barely know what a stock is. The most basic fundamental analysis and TA imaginable.
Ginger monkey. You're not respectable in a 'decent behaviour' sense... 😉
LVD may be well into his lulz.

LVD: "This should net a ton o' mugs! £250 for some BS TA. Slap my name on it, the logo can be a silhouette of a man with a huge Phallus hanging of his head. Fleeced!"

Firstly, do not be intimidated by either goldmans or putative intelligence. The former makes enormous money by various means irrelevant to retail trading. The latter... well, being astoundingly clever (seriously... I'm not bragging by stating I'm way beyond genius) I assure you it's meaningless.

Secondly, absolutey any retard can work at a hedge fund... anyone can start a hedge fund!

Basically, be suspicious gents!
Yep, will have to agree