leverage hard cash 295 fee gets you 2100GBP in cash??


Hi all well I have some news those of you looking to raise some quick cash, offshoretruth website (.com) is ending its offer of major bank account with overdraft facility. Anyone who can deposit gbp £500 gets a Euro offshore account with a bank in Cyprus (part of Europe) with internet banking and visa debit card etc, as well as a guaranteed overdraft or loan for 2500 euros. My account works great and If I treat it well I can increase the credit next year. There was no credit checks as long as you can open the deposit account and pay their fee of £295 you are guaranteed to be accepted. The deposit is in my name and earns interest at the bank. You will need to provide valid ID and proof of address also. They accept US and UK residents, as well as many other countries. Please mention me if you apply as I get a £30 rebate for each new referral? And you have to pay using a credit or debit card or paypal. Thanks and good luck
Would you put your money in a strange bank just because a stranger on a forum posted that his is really good and he'll get £30 if you sign up

and also most banks don't charge £295 to open an account

got anything trading related to say or are you another spammer thats overrunning this forum in the last few days
Would you put your money in a strange bank just because a stranger on a forum posted that his is really good and he'll get £30 if you sign up

and also most banks don't charge £295 to open an account

got anything trading related to say or are you another spammer thats overrunning this forum in the last few days

I've got an even better deal. It is a bigger fee, but still, only £500- and for that £500 you will get a leveraged bank account. For every £1000 you deposit with me (before the end of NOvember only) i will leverage the amount so your balance shows £500,000.

The only catch is you can't withdraw any of it before the end of the year (oh, and deposits have to be made by the end of this month)

Hurry while the offer lasts!
God your a happy chappy bad days trading, is it your forum, are you the forum police, I just thought maybe some traders especially those who live as expatriates would appreciate the heads up, offshore banking does not mean its a dodgy bank, the banks in Cyprus have not suffered with bad lending or liquidity issues like many of the big wall street names. And the introducer charges the 295 fee for the introduction and account setting up, if there was no charge then it would sound a little odd. Now hope that helps Mr negative forum policeman and for the record its my 2nd posting in about three months so dont go calling me a spammer.
Its an overdraft it HAS to be paid back, with interest dont you guys have bank credit over there?????
Just getting a bit annoyed that a trading forum has been seriously spammed in the last few days, if this wasn't your intention then i apologise, but given that your second post is one promoting a service that earns you a commission then i'm sure you can see my skepticism, and also that of another poster.
also asking someone to divulge ID, address and credit/debit card details via the net... dunno if you have it in Cyprus, but in the UK identity fraud is a big problem, and someone armed with the aforementioned details could go out and get loans or CC's in your name.
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It really IS true, people do deserve what they get !

Introduction fee, Oh My God haha !!!

That said, I was browsing through some UK car mag on a plane a bit back, think it was CAR or might have been EVO, anyway, amazingly enough some insolvency administrator allegedly has a pretty amazing car deal on offer, some high end car dealer had gone bust, the best offer he had received to date - for a garage full of twenty new Ferraris -, was a mind boggling 20% !!!!!

The caveat was obviously that he didn't want to sell them per piece, but all at one go.

But still...

The car mag said they were going to follow that up.

But that seriously tells you sthg about the mess we are in at the moment.

And ludicrous bank offers like the above with an "introduction fee".


Heck, lotsa nice people in Nigeria willing to do great business with you for an introduction fee what:

Advance-fee fraud

It takes two to tango, the perpetrators aren't really the criminals, its the goons that switch off their brains totally any time anybody comes up with a greed inducing offer that simply sounds too good to resist.
Plus, another very real danger with these off-shore setups...

You are setting yourself up for some serious blackmail !

The exclusive reasons to choose an off-shore bank in a place like Cyprus etc are only two:

Money laundering or tax evasion.

Did you know that Cyprus, the tiny island of Cyprus, is the largest investor in Russia.


Not hard to figure that one out eh.

But unless you've got the longer stick like certain ladies and gents from the former USSR, YOU are decidedly the one on the potential receiving end.

Particularly from certain people who might one day decide that their introduction fee isn't quite keeping them going in the accustomed lifestyle any more and needs some topping up.
The Best Bathrooms in essex

J A Bathrooms guarantee to give you the cheapest prices in the UK on the products you require.Our showroom on the London Road in Westcliff on Sea is the largest Specialist Bathroom & Shower Centre in the South East of England with thousands of bathroom &shower items on display.We have our own range of Inspirations hand made Fitted Bathroom Furniture.

JA Bathrooms, bathroom, baths, bath, showers, shower, sanitaryware, toilets, toilet, taps, tap

Hahaha ha ah ah ahaha ahahahahahaahahahah
Why does the guy selling the best bathrooms in essex come from India?

because British plumbers are sh*t 😆

and the bad news is that more rubbish layed-off from the city are looking at plumbing and teaching as their new secure profession... so more downhill in these two sectors (teaching is already dumbed enough!)