Level 2 Data Feed


Dear All,

Anyone familiar with a DOM approach(e.g. Jigsaw trading) to day trading futures?

Would like to know if level 2 for futures made the difference for any traders and if DMA is the way to go, given the leverage is smaller than most CFD providers?

Thanks in advance
Level 2 Data

Looking forward to a response. I'm working with level two also.

Hi Laura,

Hope you don't mind me directing this post to you.

Anyway I figure we are both in search of the edge that L2 could provide.

Have you been researching your platforms and data feeds for trading futures?

I have been leaning to Ninja and jigsaw with Kinetick for data. Currently got L2 platform with IG but only can get DMA for stocks and they do not offer L2 for futures?

Very easy to spend a lot on platforms etc....what i really want is the tape and DOM and cumulative data histograms for orders actually traded like the Jigsaw offering.

What is your experience and learnings in analysing the tape and DOM? Have you found any other plug-ins for any platform that present the data like Jigsaw does?

Happy Trading

Iain( I am actually not a Dinosaur)