Let us track GOLD.


Junior member
Gold and silver, spot. Time to make a deal.​
Long term view.​

Chart shows full wave up since 2000 year. We have marked it as wave 1. Wave has ended, and correction - wave 2, has started. Right from this chart we can cay, that wave 2 will be zigzag A-B-C, and its final wave "C" is a good opportunity to SELL. But wave "B" is not over yet. Let us mark probable target for wave 2 end - it is the nearest fractal down - end of wave 4 of wave 1, below 700 USD. Good length ! By the way this gold fall means deep and hard deflation.​
Medium term view.​

First wave A down and start of wave B. Magic wave A. Look !
Wave 1 - simple impulse, wave 2 - expanded flat correction a-b-c, which wave "a" is an expanded flat correction too(sic!). Wave 3 - the strongest wave among 1-3-5. But look, wave 4 - triangle, right after wave 4 starts wave 5(hmmm ! why after wave 4 should, every time, be wave 5?) and this wave 5 is a triangle too ! But what a triangle - the ending one ! Wave 5 is an ending triangle ! Beauty ! You can see more beautiful picture in our sugar article, we call it "Triangles realm". All triangles have a magic property to attract future price moves. Correction triangles(like in wave 4) attract moves to its end(wave e), ending triangles attract price to its start, that in our case means to wave 4 end ! Double gravity force ! This force has already pulled the first part of wave B - wave "a" of wave B. There is a deep fall after wave "a" top(wave "b"), so the next final wave "c" of wave B should be pulled onto magic level of wave 4 end again. We add the usual - wave B is zigzag(because its wave "a" has 5 waves), final wave "c" of zigzags tries to exceed the end of wave "a", usually wave "c" goes very long beyond the wave "a" end.​
We should BUY and ride upon the wave "c".​
First question. We are in wave B, wave B consists of a-b-c, wave "a" up we have already seen. So is wave "b" over ? Let us look at short term.​

Nndaa ! Is "this" called "over" ? Anyone has something to say ?
And here the silver comes to help. Silver and gold run in concordance, their form can be slightly different, sometimes more, than slightly, but main waves ends are the same in time. Or very close one to another.​
Silver, the same wave B up, wave "b" of wave B. The same question: "Is wave "b" over ?"​

See ? Two triangles at once ! Triangle in any correction wave means - wave after this triangle is a final part of the move, so the whole wave after wave "b"(dark red label) is a final wave. But what a wave it is ? It is an ending triangle. Double evidence - wave "b" of wave B is over, and wave "c" is already running. Remark gold.​

Now it is better and in accordance with silver. We should search for a good place to BUY gold or silver or both. More detailed article is at our page. Tracking further.​
Wave "c" has started.

Today is 17 january 2017. First wave up in gold and silver is ending.​
We present gold waves count. First wave is near its end, last moves up are awaited. Subwaves are marked with (). Wave 4 is not obvious, that doesn't add confidence. Maybe silver looks more appropriate ?​
Waves structure is more clear here. We have noted one overlap, which violates rules, but this waves count is the single appropriate one. Note, how many triangles are here, wave 4 has triangular form. Wave is still running, but we have already divided it by Fibonacci levels. If wave's end is near, then future correction will use Fib. levels as targets.​
Conclusion: wait for the start of downward correction, wait for correction to completely unfold itself, choose commodity with the most obvious waves count, BUY.​
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Waiting to BUY.

Gold has dropped suddenly ( suddenly ? Everywhere after wave 1 goes wave 2, and it still is "suddenly" !).​
Is it time to buy gold right now ? NO.​
Wave 2 will go on.​
We have updated wave 2 targets at our page.​
20 january 2017.

Wave 2 down is unfolding. Usual a-b-c form, we are in wave "b", there will be wave "c" down - the place to BUY. perhaps, wave "b" is not over yet, look at silver below.
Expanded flat surface

Today is 23 january 2017, we wait for wave 2 to complete to BUY GOLD or SILVER or both.
Perhaps, wave 2 on GOLD is expanded flat surface too, as it already is on EUR/USD, USD/CHF, USD/CAD. It means,we were wrong, counting first move down since wave 1 top as five waves. It is free waves a-b-c, which imply the whole wave 2 will be a flat surface.
Anyway, forecast is the same, wave "c" down is awaited. Expanded one.

The same forecast is for SILVER.
25 january 2017.
Wave form on silver has achieved price target and looks complete. We have decided to BUY silver and hold it all the wave C up until the magic level at 21 USD. Wave C phase - wave 2 down is ending, wave 3 up is starting.

Perhaps, wave 2 on gold is complete too, as we have seen on silver. The last sharp move down has a clear five waves sturcture and looks complete. Wave 2 looks very close to expanded flat surface. BUY at any drop, hold all wave C up and SELL near magic level. Look at magic level our medium term article.
Time to buy gold.

End of wave 1 was expanded ending triangle.​
Wave 2 was an usual zigzag a-b-c with a short wave "b".​
Note, waves "a" and "c" try to be equal in length, it is a common zigzag property(they try to be equal or proportional one to another).​
Time to buy gold. As long as US dollar falls against all major commodities - EUR-Frank-CAD-Yen, gold and silver rise. Anyone can use EUR/USD to mark the end of trend.​
Gold and silver rise in wave "B", wave "B" may be a triangular one, it is not clear now, or may be zigzag - gold will go beyond previous top at 1360 dollars in this case.​